Pressure Point: TE 9 – Sidu

  • Name (Chinese): Sidu – (四瀆)
  • Name (English): Four Rivers
  • Introduction: Sidu (TE 9) is a crucial pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, situated on the Triple Energizer meridian. It is valued for its therapeutic benefits and is often targeted for specific conditions.


This pressure point can be found between the radius and the ulna, precisely 4 cun above Yangchi TB-4, which is located on the dorsal wrist joint space.

TB 9 Sidu

Pressure Point Identification

  • Measure 5 cun distally from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. Sidu (TE-9) is situated on a line connecting the midpoint of the dorsal wrist joint space and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
  • Alternatively, from the wrist joint space, measure 7 cun in a proximal direction and locate Sidu (TE-9) in a depression between the extensor digitorum communis muscle and the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle.


  • Alleviates wrist and forearm pain
  • Regulates the flow of Qi in the Triple Energizer meridian
  • Enhances overall energy circulation in the arm


Apply moderate pressure using the thumb or index finger in a circular motion. Alternatively, use a kneading or rubbing motion for 1-2 minutes. Repeat as needed.


Exercise caution when applying pressure, especially if the person has a history of wrist or forearm injuries. Avoid excessive force to prevent discomfort or injury.

Conditions Treated

  • Wrist pain and stiffness
  • Arm and forearm discomfort
  • Conditions related to the Triple Energizer meridian imbalance

Related Points

  • Yangchi (TB-4): Located on the dorsal wrist joint space.
  • Quze (PC-3): Enhances the balancing effect on the Triple Energizer meridian.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Sidu (TE-9) be effective for relieving headaches?

While Sidu TE-9 primarily addresses issues in the arm and wrist, its influence on the Triple Energizer meridian may indirectly benefit certain types of headaches caused by energy imbalances.

How often should acupressure on Sidu (TE 9) be performed for optimal results?

The frequency depends on individual needs and the specific condition being addressed. Starting with a few minutes of acupressure daily and adjusting based on the response is a common approach.

Are there any specific exercises to complement the effects of Sidu (TE 9) acupressure?

Gentle wrist stretches and rotations can complement the effects of Sidu TE 9 acupressure. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

Pressure points – Triple Burner Meridian (TE)