Pressure Point: TE 8 – Sanyangluo

  • Name (Chinese): Sanyangluo – (三陽絡)
  • Name (English): Three Yang Connection
  • Introduction: Sanyangluo (TE-8) is a crucial acupressure point located on the Triple Energizer (TE) meridian. It is known for its influence on the flow of energy in the body and its therapeutic benefits.


This pressure point can be found between the radius and the ulna, 4 cun above Yangchi TB-4, which is on the dorsal wrist joint space.

TB 8 Sanyangluo

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate Sanyangluo (TE 8), start by identifying Yangchi TB-4. Move the wrist in a relaxed way to make the joint space more visible.
  • Yangchi TB-4 is situated laterally to the joint space midpoint, in the depression between the tendons of the extensor digitorum and extensor digiti minimi muscles, extending towards the little finger.
  • Sanyangluo TB-8 is positioned 4 cun above Yangchi TB-4, in the depression between the ulna and radius.


  • Regulates the flow of Qi in the Triple Energizer meridian.
  • Alleviates pain and discomfort in the wrist and forearm.
  • Enhances overall energy circulation in the body.


Apply moderate and steady pressure with the thumb or index finger to the identified point. Use circular motions or gentle pulsing to stimulate the point. Repeat on both wrists.


Exercise caution if the person has a history of wrist injuries or conditions. Avoid excessive pressure, and ensure the recipient is comfortable and relaxed during the acupressure session.

Conditions Treated

  • Wrist pain and stiffness.
  • Forearm tension.
  • Conditions affecting the Triple Energizer meridian.

Related Points

TE-3 (Zhongzhu – Central Islet): Located on the dorsum of the hand, in the depression proximal to the head of the fourth metacarpal bone. Stimulating TE-3 supports the flow of energy in the Triple Energizer meridian.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How often should I stimulate TE-8 for optimal benefits?

Ideally, acupressure can be performed daily, but individual responses may vary. It’s recommended to start with a few minutes of stimulation and adjust based on personal comfort.

Can TE-8 help with conditions other than wrist pain?

Yes, TE 8 is associated with the Triple Energizer meridian, and its stimulation is believed to have systemic benefits, influencing energy flow throughout the body.

Are there any contraindications for applying pressure to TE 8?

Individuals with severe wrist injuries or fractures should consult a healthcare professional before applying acupressure to TE 8. Adjust the pressure based on individual comfort and sensitivity.

Pressure points – Triple Burner Meridian (TE)