Pressure Point: TE 7 – Huizong

  • Name (Chinese): Huizong – (會宗)
  • Name (English): Convergence and Gathering
  • Introduction: Huizong (TE 7) is a crucial pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, known for its role in promoting energy flow and addressing various health concerns.


This pressure point can be found 3 cun proximal to the dorsal wrist joint space and 0.5 cun ulnar to the forearm center.

TB 7 Huizong

Pressure Point Identification

  • Begin by locating Yangchi (TB-4), which is laterally to the midpoint of the wrist joint space. It is in the depression between the tendons of the extensor digitorum and extensor digiti minimi muscle, extending to the little finger.
  • Huizong (TE-7) is positioned 3 cun above Yangchi (TB-4) and 0.5 cun ulnar to the forearm center.
  • Zhigou (TB-6) is at the same level but 0.5 cun towards the radius.


  • Promotes energy circulation in the Triple Energizer meridian.
  • Alleviates pain and stiffness in the wrist and forearm.
  • Supports the treatment of headaches and eye disorders.


  • Apply firm but gentle pressure using the thumb or index finger.
  • Use circular or rocking motions to stimulate the point.
  • Combine with deep, slow breaths for enhanced relaxation.


  • Avoid excessive force, especially if the person is sensitive to pressure.
  • If there’s severe pain or discomfort, discontinue pressure.
  • Pregnant individuals should consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure.

Conditions Treated

  • Wrist pain and stiffness
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Eye strain and fatigue
  • Stress and tension

Related Points

  • Yangchi (TB-4): Enhances the effects of TE-7 on wrist issues.
  • Zhigou (TB-6): Works synergistically with TE-7 for headache relief.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can TE-7 be used for conditions other than wrist pain?

Absolutely, TE-7, or Huizong, is versatile and is known to have positive effects beyond wrist pain. It’s recognized for its role in alleviating headaches, reducing eye strain, and promoting relaxation in cases of stress and tension.

How often should I stimulate TE 7 for optimal results?

The frequency of stimulation varies from person to person. Generally, starting with 1-2 sessions per day, each lasting a few minutes, can be effective. Pay attention to your body’s response and adjust as needed. Consistency is key for optimal results.

Are there any specific hand positions for applying pressure to TE 7?

You can use your thumb or index finger to apply pressure on TE 7. Choose a comfortable position and use circular or rocking motions. Listen to your body, and adjust the pressure according to your comfort level. Additionally, combining pressure application with deep, slow breaths can enhance the overall relaxation effect.

Pressure points – Triple Burner Meridian (TE)