Pressure Point: TE 3 – Zhongzhu

  • Name (Chinese): Zhongzhu – (中渚)
  • Name (English): Central Islet
  • Introduction: Zhongzhu (TE 3) is a key pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, specifically in the context of the Triple Energizer meridian. It is known for its therapeutic benefits in addressing various health concerns.


Zhongzhu (TE 3) can be located on the hand dorsum between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, in the depression proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joints, at the junction between the heads and shaft of the two metacarpal bones. When the hand is placed with the palm facing downward, it is precisely situated in this specific anatomical area.

TB 3 Zhongzhu

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate TE 3, start by making a loose fist.
  • Palpate along the groove between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones towards the proximal direction.
  • TE-3 is found at the widest or deepest point of this groove.


  • Relieves headaches and migraines.
  • Alleviates eye strain and visual issues.
  • Addresses neck and shoulder tension.


  • Apply firm but gentle pressure with the thumb or index finger.
  • Use circular or kneading motions to stimulate the point.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially if there’s pain or discomfort.
  • Pregnant individuals should consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to this point.

Conditions Treated

  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Eye strain and visual disturbances.
  • Neck and shoulder tension.

Related Points

  • TE-4 (Yangchi): Located on the dorsum of the hand between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can TE-3 be used for stress relief?

Absolutely. TE-3 is known for its role in reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Applying gentle pressure to this point can help release tension in the head, neck, and shoulders, contributing to an overall sense of calm and well-being.

Are there any specific techniques for self-massage on TE-3?

Yes, a simple and effective technique for self-massage on TE 3 involves making a loose fist and using the thumb or index finger to apply gentle circular pressure on the point. Take slow, deep breaths during the massage to enhance the relaxation response.

How often should TE 3 be stimulated for optimal benefits?

The frequency of TE 3 stimulation depends on individual needs and the specific condition being addressed. Some individuals may benefit from daily sessions, especially if dealing with chronic issues like headaches. Others may find relief with less frequent stimulation. Pay attention to your body’s response and adjust the frequency accordingly. If you have specific health concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or an experienced acupressure practitioner for personalized guidance.

Pressure points – Triple Burner Meridian (TE)