Pressure Point: TE 23 – Sizhukong

  • Name (Chinese): Sizhukong – (絲竹空)
  • Name (English): Silken Bamboo Hollow
  • Introduction: Sizhukong (TE 23), also known as Silken Bamboo Hollow, is a key acupressure point in traditional Chinese medicine. It is situated in a specific bony depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow.


This pressure point can be accurately located in the depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow.

TB 23 Sizhukong

Pressure Point Identification

  • The frontozygomatic suture, located between the zygoma and the frontal bone, is a reliable reference for locating Sizhukong (TE 23). This reference point is more consistent than the eyebrow, which may vary among individuals.
  • To locate TE 23, palpate from the outer canthus of the eye superiorly along the orbital margin, moving from the zygomatic to the frontal section. Continue until you feel a bony depression in the area of the frontozygomatic suture.
  • Sizhukong (TE-23) is located in this primarily pressure-sensitive depression.


  • Alleviates eye strain and fatigue.
  • Relieves headaches and migraines.
  • Addresses sinus congestion and pain.


Apply firm but gentle pressure to TE 23 using your fingertip or thumb. You can use circular motions or steady pressure for 1-2 minutes.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially if you are new to acupressure.
  • If you have a known eye condition or recent eye injury, consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to this point.

Conditions Treated

  • Eye discomfort and tension.
  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Sinus congestion and pain.

Related Points

  • BL-2 (Cuanzhu): Located on the face, above the inner edge of the eyebrow. It complements Sizhukong in relieving eye-related discomfort.
  • LI-4 (Hegu): Found on the back of the hand between the thumb and forefinger, it can be combined with Sizhukong for headache relief.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I apply pressure to Sizhukong if I don’t have eye issues?

Yes, Sizhukong is not only beneficial for eye issues but also helps alleviate headaches and sinus-related discomfort.

How often should I stimulate TE 23?

You can apply pressure to Sizhukong several times a day for short durations, or as needed for relief.

Are there any specific breathing techniques recommended during TE 23 acupressure?

Deep, slow breaths can enhance the relaxation response. Inhale deeply, exhale slowly while applying pressure to enhance the effectiveness.

Pressure points – Triple Burner Meridian (TE)
