Pressure Point: TE 22 – Erheliao

  • Name (Chinese): Erheliao – (耳和髎)
  • Name (English): Ear Harmonising Foramen
  • Introduction: Erheliao (TE 22) is an essential acupressure point associated with harmonizing the ear and providing various health benefits. It is located in proximity to the temple and is linked to the superficial temporal artery.


Erheliao (TE-22) is found anterior and superior to Ermen TB-21, level with the root of the auricle, on the posterior border of the hairline of the temple where the superficial temporal artery passes.

TB 22 Erheliao

Pressure Point Identification

  • Begin by locating the upper border of the root of the ear.
  • From there, find Erheliao TB-22, positioned 0.5 cun toward the direction of the eye.
  • Note that Erheliao TB-22 is situated above the zygomatic arch, while Ermen TB-21 is below the zygomatic arch.


  • Alleviates ear-related discomfort
  • Relieves headaches and migraines
  • Aids in addressing jaw and facial pain
  • Supports relaxation and stress reduction


Apply steady and gentle pressure using your thumb or index finger. Massage in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes, adjusting the pressure based on comfort.


  • Avoid excessive force, especially if there’s tenderness or pain.
  • Consult a healthcare professional for persistent or severe conditions.
  • Ensure cleanliness of hands to prevent infection.

Conditions Treated

  • Earaches and tinnitus
  • Temporal headaches
  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) issues
  • Stress and anxiety

Related Points

Ermen (TB-21): This point is closely related, situated inferior and anterior to Erheliao, and is associated with relieving ear and jaw problems.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Erheliao help with ringing in the ears (tinnitus)?

Yes, stimulating the Erheliao (TE 22) pressure point is believed to help alleviate symptoms of tinnitus. Regular acupressure on this point may contribute to improved ear health and reduced ringing sensations.

Is it normal to feel tenderness when applying pressure to Erheliao TE 22?

Mild tenderness or sensitivity can be normal when applying pressure to Erheliao. However, it’s essential to use gentle and gradual pressure, adjusting to your comfort level. If discomfort persists or is severe, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.

How often should I massage Erheliao for optimal benefits?

The frequency of massage can vary among individuals. For general well-being, massaging Erheliao (TE 22) for 1-2 minutes a few times a week may be beneficial. However, individual needs and responses can differ, so listen to your body and adjust the frequency accordingly.

Pressure points – Triple Burner Meridian (TE)
