Pressure Point: TE 21 – Ermen

  • Name (Chinese): Ermen – (耳門)
  • Name (English): Ear Gate
  • Introduction: The Ear Gate pressure point, TE 21 or Ermen, is an important acupressure point located in the depression anterior to the supratragic notch, slightly superior to the condyloid process of the mandible.


This pressure point can be found in the depression anterior to the supratragic notch and slightly superior to the condyloid process of the mandible. It is essential to locate and needle this point with the mouth open.

TB 21 Ermen

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate Ermen (TE 21), it is recommended to open the mouth. This action allows the condyloid process of the mandible to slide anteriorly, revealing the depression where TE-21 is situated.
  • An alternative method is to locate the sulcus between the auricle and the cheek anterior to the tragus. Then, identify TE 21 on the level of the supratragic notch on the sulcus.


  • Relieves jaw tension and pain.
  • Alleviates earaches and discomfort.
  • Aids in treating tinnitus and other ear-related issues.


Apply steady pressure or use circular motions with your fingers or thumbs to stimulate the Ermen point. For more intense pressure, consider using an acupressure tool.


Exercise caution to avoid excessive pressure. If discomfort or pain persists, consult a healthcare professional. Avoid applying pressure if there is an injury or inflammation in the area.

Conditions Treated

  • Jaw pain and tension
  • Earaches and discomfort
  • Tinnitus and other ear-related issues

Related Points

  • SI-19 (Tinggong): Located in the depression anterior and slightly superior to the earlobe.
  • GB-2 (Tinghui): Found on the temple region, level with the outer canthus of the eye.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I locate Ermen TE 21 without opening my mouth?

While it is recommended to open the mouth for precise identification, some practitioners may locate it by palpating the sulcus between the auricle and cheek.

How often can I stimulate the Ear Gate point TE 21?

It is generally safe to stimulate this point daily, but individual responses may vary. Start with moderate pressure and monitor your body’s response.

Are there any specific breathing techniques recommended during Ermen stimulation?

Deep, slow breaths can enhance the effectiveness of acupressure. Focus on relaxing the jaw and facial muscles while breathing deeply.

Pressure points – Triple Burner Meridian (TE)
