Pressure Point: TE 10 – Tianjing

  • Name (Chinese): Tianjing – (天井)
  • Name (English): Upper Well
  • Introduction: The Upper Well, or Tianjing (TE 10), is a vital acupressure point associated with the Triple Energizer meridian in traditional Chinese medicine. It is known for its therapeutic benefits and is often targeted for specific health concerns.


This pressure point can be found when the elbow is flexed, Tianjing TB-10 is in the depression about 1 cun superior to the olecranon.

TB 10 Tianjing

Pressure Point Identification

To locate Tianjing TB-10, flex the elbow to 90° and palpate a depression about 1 cun above the olecranon. The point is typically found in this specific position.


  • Alleviates pain and stiffness in the arm and elbow.
  • Regulates the flow of Qi in the Triple Energizer meridian.
  • Can be used for conditions like tennis elbow and arm muscle spasms.


Apply firm, steady pressure with your thumb or fingertip on Tianjing TB-10. Use circular or rubbing motions to stimulate the point. Adjust the pressure based on comfort and sensitivity.


Exercise caution when applying pressure, especially if the individual has a history of elbow injuries or sensitivities. Start with gentle pressure and increase gradually.

Conditions Treated

  • Elbow pain and discomfort
  • Tennis elbow
  • Arm muscle tension and spasms

Related Points

  • TE-9 (Siwen – 四溫) – Four Rivers: This point is often used in conjunction with Tianjing TB-10 for addressing arm and elbow issues. Apply pressure to both points for enhanced therapeutic effects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I apply pressure to Tianjing TB-10 if I have a history of elbow injuries?

It’s advisable to exercise caution and start with gentle pressure, especially if you have a history of elbow injuries. If in doubt, consult with a healthcare professional.

How often should I stimulate Tianjing TE 10 for optimal benefits?

The frequency of stimulation can vary. It’s generally recommended to start with once a day and adjust based on individual response. Consistency is key.

Can Tianjing TE 10 help with conditions other than elbow pain?

While it is commonly used for elbow-related issues, Tianjing TE 10 may also have benefits for conditions like arm muscle spasms and tension. Experiment with the pressure and observe how your body responds.

Pressure points – Triple Burner Meridian (TE)
