Pressure Point: ST 6 – Jiache

  • Name (Chinese): Jiache (頰車)
  • Name (English): Jaw Bone
  • Introduction: ST 6, known as Jiache in Chinese, is a significant pressure point located on the jaw bone. It is commonly used in acupressure and traditional Chinese medicine for various therapeutic purposes.


One finger-breadth anterior and superior to the lower angle of the mandible where the masseter muscle attaches at the prominence of the muscle when the teeth are clenched.

ST 6 Jiache

Pressure Point Identification

  • Clench the teeth so that the muscle belly of the masseter muscle bulges.
  • Jiache ST 6 is anterior and superior to the angle of the mandibular jaw on the prominence.
  • The palpating finger naturally falls into the right depression when the muscle is relaxed during the chewing movements of the jaw.


  • Alleviates jaw tension
  • Eases facial pain
  • Promotes relaxation of the jaw muscles


  • Apply firm and steady pressure using the thumb or index finger. Massage or rotate the finger in a circular motion.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially if there is jaw injury or recent dental work.
  • If experiencing severe pain or discomfort, consult a healthcare professional.

Conditions Treated

  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders
  • Facial muscle tension
  • Toothache

Related Points

  • LI-4 Hegu (for facial pain and stress relief)
  • SJ-17 Yifeng (for jaw stiffness and pain)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can ST-6 Jiache be used for headaches?

While ST 6 is primarily focused on the jaw, it may indirectly help with certain types of headaches associated with jaw tension.

Are there any specific techniques for massaging ST 6?

Yes, using a circular motion with the thumb or index finger can be effective. It’s important to apply gradual pressure and adjust based on comfort.

Can ST 6 be stimulated on both sides simultaneously?

Yes, it is common to apply acupressure on both ST-6 points simultaneously for balanced treatment, but ensure the pressure is comfortable and controlled.

Pressure points – Stomach Meridian (ST)

ST 6