Pressure Point: ST 4 – Dicang

  • Name (Chinese): Dì Cāng – (地倉
  • Name (English): Earth Granary
  • Introduction: Dicang (ST 4) is a vital acupressure point located on the Stomach meridian. Its Chinese name, 地倉 (Dì Cāng), translates to “Earth Granary,” reflecting its significance in addressing various health concerns.


This pressure point is located laterally to the corner of the mouth, directly below Juliao ST-3.

ST 4 Dicang

Pressure Point Identification

  • The first four points of the Stomach Channel are situated vertically along the central pupil line when the patient looks straight ahead.
  • Dicang ST 4 is positioned at the intersection of the pupil line and a horizontal line originating at the corner of the mouth, approximately 0.4 cun lateral to the corner of the mouth.
  • To precisely locate Dicang ST 4, ask the patient to smile, making the nasolabial groove more apparent. The point is situated within the nasolabial groove.


  • Alleviates facial pain
  • Relieves jaw tension
  • Addresses facial paralysis
  • Promotes overall facial relaxation


  • Apply gentle and steady pressure using the tip of your thumb or index finger. Use circular motions or small pulsating presses.


  • Exercise caution when applying pressure if the patient has a history of facial fractures or recent facial surgery, as the area may be sensitive.
  • Avoid excessive force, especially if the patient experiences discomfort, and communicate with the individual throughout the session to ensure their comfort and well-being.

Conditions Treated

  • Facial pain
  • TMJ disorders
  • Bell’s palsy
  • Facial muscle tension
  • Toothaches

Related Points

  • Juliao (ST-3): Located above Dicang, Juliao ST-3 is an essential point for addressing facial issues.
  • Sibai (ST-2): Situated along the nasolabial groove, Sibai is related to facial pain and paralysis.
  • Dicang (ST-4): This point complements nearby points, addressing facial tension

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How often should Dicang ST-4 be stimulated?

Dicang ST 4 can be stimulated daily for a few minutes, but the frequency depends on the specific condition being addressed. Consult with a qualified practitioner for personalized advice.

Can Dicang ST-4 help with headaches?

Yes, stimulating Dicang ST 4 may help relieve headaches, especially those associated with facial tension or sinus issues.

Are there any contraindications for using Dicang ST 4?

Individuals with recent facial injuries, infections, or dental work in the area should exercise caution and may want to consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to this point.

Pressure points – Stomach Meridian (ST)

ST 4