Pressure Point: ST 36 – Zusanli

  • Name (Chinese): Zusanli – (足三里)
  • Name (English): Leg Three Miles
  • Introduction: Zusanli (ST-36) is a powerful and commonly used acupressure point on the Stomach meridian. It is renowned for its energizing and immune-boosting properties.


This pressure point is situated 3 cun below Dubi ST-35, one finger breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia, on the tibialis anterior muscle.

ST 36 Zusanli

Pressure Point Identification

  • Locate Dubi ST-35 in the depression below the patella and lateral to the patellar ligament.
  • Identify Zusanli ST-36 by measuring 3 cun downwards from Dubi ST-35. It is also one middle finger-width lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia.


  • Boosts energy and vitality
  • Enhances digestion and alleviates digestive issues
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Relieves fatigue and promotes overall wellness


Apply firm but gentle pressure using your thumb or knuckle in a circular or kneading motion. It’s often beneficial to combine with deep, rhythmic breathing for enhanced effects.


Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the person is pregnant, has recent injuries, or experiences discomfort. Consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns.

Conditions Treated

  • Fatigue and low energy
  • Digestive problems (e.g., indigestion, bloating)
  • Immune system deficiencies
  • Stress and tension

Related Points

  • ST-35 (Dubi): Located below the patella, it is often used in conjunction with Zusanli for knee-related issues.
  • SP-6 (Sanyinjiao): Found on the spleen meridian, it complements Zusanli for digestive and reproductive health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I stimulate Zusanli ST 36 every day?

Yes, you can stimulate this point daily, but moderation is key. Avoid excessive pressure and adjust based on individual comfort levels.

Are there any specific times when it’s best to stimulate Zusanli?

Stimulating Zusanli ST 36 in the morning is often recommended to enhance energy levels and promote overall well-being.

Can Zusanli be used for emotional well-being?

Yes, Zusanli ST 36 is believed to have mood-regulating effects and is sometimes used for stress relief and emotional balance.

Pressure points – Stomach Meridian (ST)