Pressure Point: ST 34 – Liangqiu

  • Name (Chinese): Liangqiu – (梁丘)
  • Name (English): Ridge Mound
  • Introduction: Liangqiu (ST 34) is a significant pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, commonly known as Ridge Mound. It is associated with various therapeutic benefits and is located on the vastus lateralis muscle of the quadriceps femoris group.


This pressure point is situated 2 cun above the upper-lateral border of the patella, along an imaginary line drawn between the upper lateral patellar border and the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS).

ST 34 Liangqiui

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate Liangqiu (ST 34), first, identify the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the upper lateral patellar border.
  • Draw an imaginary line between these two points. Liangqiu (ST-34) is precisely 2 cun above the upper-lateral border of the patella on this line.
  • It is found in a depression on the vastus lateralis muscle of the quadriceps femoris group.


  • Improves knee pain and stiffness
  • Enhances circulation in the lower limbs
  • Alleviates muscle tension in the quadriceps


  • Apply firm, direct pressure using your thumb or knuckle.
  • Use circular motions or sustained pressure, depending on the therapeutic goal.
  • Gradually increase pressure, starting gently and adjusting based on the recipient’s comfort level.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the recipient has knee injuries or sensitivities.
  • Seek professional guidance for specific conditions or concerns.
  • If pain or discomfort persists, discontinue and consult a healthcare professional.

Conditions Treated

  • Knee pain and discomfort
  • Quadriceps muscle issues
  • Circulatory problems in the lower limbs

Related Points

  • ST-35 (Dubi) – Calf’s Nose: Located just below the knee, addressing knee and lower leg issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I apply pressure to Liangqiu (ST 34) if I have knee problems?

It’s crucial to exercise caution when applying pressure to Liangqiu (ST-34) if you have existing knee problems. While acupressure can be beneficial for some, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or an acupressure practitioner before self-application. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific condition and medical history.

How long and how often should I stimulate Liangqiu (ST-34)?

The duration and frequency of pressure application on Liangqiu (ST 34) can vary. It’s generally advisable to start with short sessions, around 5-10 minutes, and observe how your body responds. The frequency can be adjusted based on individual comfort and needs.

Are there any specific exercises that complement the stimulation of Liangqiu (ST-34)?

Yes, gentle knee exercises and stretches may complement the benefits of stimulating Liangqiu (ST 34). However, it’s crucial to consult with a fitness or healthcare professional before incorporating any exercises, especially if you have pre-existing knee issues.

Pressure points – Stomach Meridian (ST)