Pressure Point: ST 31 – Biguan

  • Name (Chinese): Biguan – (髀關)
  • Name (English): Thigh Gate
  • Introduction: Thigh Gate, Biguan ST 31 is a significant pressure point located on the thigh, associated with traditional Chinese medicine and acupressure practices. Stimulating this point is believed to offer various therapeutic benefits.


Biguan (ST 31) is situated directly below the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), aligning with the lower border of the pubic symphysis. It is found in the depression on the lateral side of the sartorius muscle when the thigh is flexed.

ST 31 Biguan

Pressure Point Identification

  • The sartorius muscle, originating at the ASIS, crosses the thigh towards the knee’s medial aspect.
  • With the knee and hip slightly flexed and active lateral rotation, Biguan can be isolated.
  • It is located on the lateral border of the muscle, precisely at the intersection of a vertical line connecting the ASIS and the lateral upper border of the patella, and a horizontal line at the lower border of the pubic symphysis.


  • Alleviates thigh pain and discomfort.
  • Enhances flexibility and mobility in the hip and thigh.
  • Supports digestive function.


Apply steady pressure using your thumb or forefinger while keeping the knee and hip slightly flexed. Use circular or pulsating motions for 1-2 minutes.


Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the person has recent injuries, fractures, or acute inflammation in the hip region.

Conditions Treated

  • Hip pain and stiffness.
  • Digestive issues.
  • Thigh muscle tension.

Related Points

  • GB 29 (Juliao): Located on the hip joint, it complements Biguan for hip-related issues.
  • SP 10 (Xuehai): Supports Biguan in addressing thigh discomfort and digestive concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are there any specific benefits for athletes or individuals with hip-related issues?

Yes, athletes and individuals with hip-related issues may benefit from stimulating Biguan ST 31. This pressure point is believed to help relieve hip tension, promote circulation in the thigh area, and contribute to overall muscle relaxation. Regular stimulation may aid in maintaining hip flexibility and addressing discomfort associated with physical activity.

Is it safe to stimulate Biguan ST-31 during pregnancy?

While acupressure is generally considered safe during pregnancy, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to specific points. Biguan (ST 31) is associated with the hip and thigh region, and gentle stimulation may be beneficial for some individuals. However, pregnant individuals should seek guidance from their healthcare provider to ensure the safety and appropriateness of acupressure practices during pregnancy.

Can I stimulate Biguan ST 31 while standing?

Yes, you can stimulate Biguan ST-31 while standing. However, for beginners or those unfamiliar with acupressure, it might be easier to locate and apply pressure with the leg slightly flexed. Experiment with different positions to find what feels most comfortable and effective for you.

Pressure points – Stomach Meridian (ST)