Pressure Point: ST 3 – Juliao

  • Name (Chinese): Juliao – (巨髎)
  • Name (English): Four Directions Brightness
  • Introduction: Juliao (ST 3) is a significant acupuncture point on the Stomach meridian, known for its therapeutic benefits.


Juliao (ST 3) is situated directly below Sibai ST-2, at the level of the lower border of ala nasi.

ST 3 Juliao

Pressure Point Identification

  • The first four points of the Stomach Channel align vertically with the central pupil line when the patient looks straight ahead.
  • Juliao (ST 3) is precisely located at the intersection of the pupil line and a horizontal line on the level of the lower border of the ala nasi.


  • Alleviates facial pain and tension
  • Relieves sinus congestion
  • Addresses eye-related issues
  • Promotes relaxation of facial muscles


  • Apply steady and gentle pressure using the fingertips or thumbs.
  • Use circular motions or light tapping to stimulate the point.
  • Consider combining with other facial acupressure points for a comprehensive treatment.


  • Be cautious with pressure intensity, especially in sensitive individuals.
  • Avoid excessive force to prevent discomfort.

Conditions Treated

  • Facial pain
  • Sinusitis
  • Eye strain
  • Headaches

Related Points

  • Sibai (ST-2): Directly above Juliao, effective for relieving eye fatigue.
  • Dicang (ST-4): Adjacent point that aids in reducing facial tension.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I stimulate Juliao (ST 3) for general relaxation?

Yes, Stimulating Juliao can promote overall relaxation and ease tension in the facial muscles. Use gentle, circular motions with your fingertips or apply light tapping with your thumbs. Experiment with different techniques to find what feels most soothing for you.

Are there any specific hand positions recommended for applying pressure to Juliao ST-3?

For optimal results, use your fingertips or thumbs to apply gentle pressure on Juliao (ST 3). Circular motions and light tapping are effective techniques. Experiment with hand positions to find what works best for you, ensuring that the pressure is comfortable and does not cause any discomfort.

How often can I work on Juliao ST 3 for sinus congestion?

You can work on Juliao daily to help alleviate sinus congestion. However, pay attention to your body’s response. If you experience any discomfort or sensitivity, reduce the frequency or pressure applied. Consistency is key, so find a routine that suits your comfort level and enhances the effectiveness of the acupressure.

Pressure points – Stomach Meridian (ST)

ST 3