Pressure Point: ST 21 – Liangmen

  • Name (Chinese): Liangmen – (梁門)
  • Name (English): Beam Gate
  • Introduction: Liangmen (ST 21) is a significant pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, located on the Stomach meridian. It is associated with various therapeutic benefits and is commonly used in acupressure and acupuncture.


This pressure point is situated 4 cun above the umbilicus and 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

ST 21 Liangmen

Pressure Point Identification

  • There are 8 cun between the sternocostal angle and the center of the umbilicus. Liangmen ST 21 is positioned in the middle of these two points and 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
  • Depending on the thoracic shape, the location might be either on the rib or on the abdomen.


  • Supports digestive health
  • Alleviates abdominal pain
  • Harmonizes Qi flow in the Stomach meridian
  • Aids in relieving bloating and indigestion


Apply firm but gentle pressure using the fingertips or thumbs. Circular or kneading motions can be used for 1-2 minutes.


Exercise caution during pregnancy. Avoid excessive pressure, especially on individuals with ribcage abnormalities.

Conditions Treated

  • Gastric pain and discomfort
  • Indigestion and bloating
  • Emotional stress affecting the digestive system
  • Ribcage pain

Related Points

  • CV12 Zhongwan: Located on the midline, below the sternum, supporting digestive function.
  • ST25 Tianshu: Found 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus, beneficial for abdominal issues.

Liangmen (ST-21) complements CV12 Zhongwan by addressing digestive concerns. It works synergistically with ST25 Tianshu, focusing on abdominal well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can pressure on Liangmen ST 21 help with emotional stress?

Liangmen’s role in the Stomach meridian makes it valuable for addressing emotional stress impacting the digestive system. By promoting Qi flow in this area, it may contribute to overall emotional well-being.

Is it safe to apply pressure on ST 21 during pregnancy?

While acupressure can be beneficial during pregnancy, it’s crucial to exercise caution with Liangmen. Use gentle pressure and consult with a healthcare professional before attempting any acupressure to ensure safety for both mother and baby.

Can Liangmen be used for ribcage pain?

Yes, Liangmen ST 21 can be effective for ribcage pain. However, individuals with ribcage abnormalities should approach with caution. Adjust the pressure and consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance to ensure safety and efficacy.

Pressure points – Stomach Meridian (ST)