Pressure Point: ST 2 – Sibai

  • Name (Chinese): Sibai – (四白)
  • Name (English): Four Directions Brightness
  • Introduction: Sibai (ST 2) is a vital acupressure point on the Stomach Channel, known as Four Directions Brightness. It plays a significant role in traditional Chinese medicine for addressing various health concerns related to the face and eyes.


This pressure point is situated below Chengqi (ST-1), precisely in the depression at the infraorbital foramen.

ST2 Sibai

Pressure Point Identification

  • The first four points of the Stomach Channel align vertically with the central pupil line when the patient looks straight ahead.
  • The infraorbital ridge, a noticeable bony structure below the lower eyelid, serves as a prominent landmark.
  • Sibai ST 2 is located in a depression inferior to the midpoint of the infraorbital ridge, specifically at the infraorbital foramen.


  • Alleviates eye strain and fatigue
  • Improves facial muscle tone
  • Eases sinus congestion
  • Promotes overall facial relaxation


  • Apply gentle and steady pressure using the fingertips in a circular motion for about 1-2 minutes, or incorporate massage techniques to enhance relaxation.


  • Exercise caution to avoid excessive pressure, especially in the eye area. If the person feels discomfort or pain, adjust the pressure accordingly. Pregnant women should consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to this point.

Conditions Treated

  • Eye-related issues (e.g., redness, fatigue)
  • Sinus congestion
  • Facial tension and pain
  • Headaches and migraines

Related Points

  • Chengqi (ST-1): Located directly above Sibai, Chengqi is the starting point of the Stomach Channel and is associated with eye health.
  • Cuanzhu (BL-2): Positioned above the inner corner of the eye, Cuanzhu complements Sibai in addressing eye-related concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Sibai ST 2 help with dark circles under the eyes?

Yes, regular stimulation of Sibai may improve blood circulation and alleviate tension, potentially contributing to a reduction in dark circles.

Is it safe to apply pressure to Sibai ST 2 during a headache?

Yes, gentle pressure on Sibai ST 2 may help relieve headache symptoms by promoting relaxation and easing tension in the facial muscles.

How often should one stimulate Sibai for optimal benefits?

It is generally safe to stimulate Sibai ST 2 daily for a few minutes. However, individual responses may vary, so adjust the frequency based on comfort and personal experience.

Pressure points – Stomach Meridian (ST)

ST 2