Pressure Point: ST 14 – Kufang

  • Name (Chinese): Kufang – (庫房)
  • Name (English): Breath Storeroom
  • Introduction: The ST 14, known as Kufang or Breath Storeroom, is a significant acupressure point located on the Stomach meridian. It plays a role in promoting breath regulation and addressing various health concerns.


You can find this pressure point located in the 1st intercostal space, on the mammillary line, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

ST 14 Kufang

Pressure Point Identification

  • First identify the mammillary line by drawing an imaginary line between the clavicular midpoint and nipple. This line is 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
  • Palpate along this line from the top and locate Kufang ST 14 in the first intercostal space.


  • Regulates and improves breathing.
  • Alleviates chest congestion and discomfort.
  • Supports respiratory health.
  • Relieves tension in the chest area.


Apply firm and steady pressure using the fingertips or thumbs. Use circular or up-and-down motions, as preferred, and adjust the pressure based on individual comfort levels.


Exercise caution and avoid excessive pressure, especially if the person has a history of chest injuries or sensitivities. Consult a healthcare professional if there are concerns about applying pressure to this area.

Conditions Treated

  • Asthma and respiratory issues.
  • Chest pain or tightness.
  • Anxiety and stress affecting breathing.
  • Cough and congestion.

Related Points

  • LU-1 (Zhongfu): Located on the upper chest, it complements ST-14 for respiratory issues.
  • CV-17 (Shanzhong): A vital point for chest discomfort and emotional balance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can ST-14 help with shortness of breath?

Yes, ST 14 is believed to aid in regulating breathing and can be beneficial for addressing shortness of breath. Regular stimulation, coupled with deep breathing, may contribute to improved respiratory function.

How often can ST-14 be stimulated?

It is generally safe to stimulate ST 14 daily, but individual tolerance and response may vary. Begin with gentle pressure and adjust accordingly. If using acupressure as part of a self-care routine, consistency over time is often more beneficial than occasional intense sessions.

Are there any specific breathing techniques recommended with ST 14 activation?

Deep, slow breathing while applying pressure on ST-14 can enhance its benefits. However, it’s essential to find a comfortable rhythm for the individual. Incorporating mindful breathing exercises, such as diaphragmatic breathing, can synergize with the effects of ST-14 in promoting relaxation and improved respiratory function.

Pressure points – Stomach Meridian (ST)

ST 14