Pressure Point: SP 19 – Xiongxiang

  • Name (Chinese): Xiongxiang – (胸鄉)
  • Name (English): Chest Village
  • Introduction: Xiongxiang (SP 19) is an acupressure point located on the chest and is associated with various health benefits when stimulated.


This acupressure point is situated in the 3rd intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

SP 19 Xiongxiang

Pressure Point Identification

  • The 3rd intercostal space can be identified by counting 1 space up or 2 spaces down from the clavicle.
  • Xiongxiang (SP 19) is precisely located at the intersection of the 3rd intercostal space and 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline (or 2 cun lateral to the mammillary line).
  • Note: The mammillary line is an imaginary line drawn vertically downward from the nipple.


  • Relieves chest congestion
  • Alleviates chest pain
  • Supports respiratory health
  • Eases anxiety and stress related to the chest
  • Improves energy flow in the chest area


Apply firm but gentle pressure using your fingertips or thumbs. You can use circular motions or steady pressure for 1-2 minutes.


Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the person has any chest injuries or conditions. Consult a healthcare professional if uncertain.

Conditions Treated

  • Respiratory issues
  • Chest pain
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Circulatory problems in the chest area

Related Points

  • SP-17 (Ruizhong): Located on the chest, one can complement the stimulation of Xiongxiang for broader chest-related benefits.
  • LU-1 (Zhongfu): As a lung point, LU-1 is related to respiratory health and can be considered in conjunction with Xiongxiang.
  • CV-17 (Shanzhong): Located in the center of the chest, CV-17 is associated with chest discomfort and can be combined with Xiongxiang for a more comprehensive approach.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Xiongxiang help with heart-related issues?

Xiongxiang (SP 19) is primarily associated with chest-related benefits, such as relieving chest congestion, pain, and supporting respiratory health. While it may offer general chest discomfort relief, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for any concerns related to heart health. Heart conditions require specialized care, and acupressure points should not be considered a substitute for medical advice or treatment.

Is it normal to feel tenderness when pressing on Xiongxiang SP 19?

Sensations of tenderness or slight discomfort are not uncommon when stimulating acupressure points. However, significant pain or discomfort could indicate an underlying issue. Adjust the pressure to a level that is comfortable for you. If you consistently experience discomfort or have concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified acupressure practitioner or a healthcare professional.

How often should I stimulate Xiongxiang SP 19 for optimal benefits?

The frequency of acupressure depends on individual preferences and the specific health goal. Stimulating Xiongxiang for 1-2 minutes a few times a day can be a starting point. Pay attention to your body’s response and adjust as needed. Consistency is key, but avoid overstimulating the point. I

Pressure points – Spleen Meridian (SP)
