Pressure Point: SP 12 – Chongmen

  • Name (Chinese): Chongmen – (衝門)
  • Name (English): Separation Gate
  • Introduction: Chongmen (SP 12) is a crucial acupressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, known for its location and therapeutic benefits. It is associated with the Spleen meridian.


  • Chongmen is situated lateral to the inguinal groove, on the immediate lateral side of the femoral artery, at the level of the upper border of the symphysis pubis, 3.5 cun lateral to Qugu CV-2.
SP 12 Chongmen

Pressure Point Identification

  • Starting from the upper border of the pubic symphysis (Qugu CV-2), measure 3.5 cun in a lateral direction. Identify the femoral artery by its pulsation, and Chongmen (SP-12) is located in a depression immediately lateral to the artery.


  • Promotes digestion and regulates the Spleen.
  • Alleviates abdominal pain and discomfort.
  • Harmonizes the menstrual cycle and addresses gynecological issues.


  • Apply firm, steady pressure using the thumb or knuckles.
  • Use circular or rocking motions to massage the point.
  • Apply pressure for 1-2 minutes, breathing deeply during the process.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the area is tender or painful.
  • Pregnant individuals should seek professional advice before applying pressure to this point.
  • If there is any discomfort or pain, discontinue the pressure and consult a healthcare professional.

Conditions Treated

  • Digestive issues (e.g., indigestion, bloating).
  • Menstrual irregularities and pain.
  • Lower abdominal discomfort.

Related Points

  • Qugu CV-2: Located at the upper border of the symphysis pubis, it is a key point for addressing lower abdominal issues.
  • Spleen meridian points: These points work synergistically with Chongmen to support digestive health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How often can I stimulate Chongmen SP 12 for digestive issues?

Yes, stimulating Jimen SP 12 may assist in alleviating menstrual discomfort and promoting hormonal balance.

Can Chongmen SP 12 be used during pregnancy?

Pregnant individuals should consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to Chongmen or any acupressure point. It’s essential to ensure the safety and well-being of both the individual and the unborn child.

Is it normal to feel tenderness when pressing Chongmen SP 12?

Some sensitivity or tenderness may be normal, especially if there are underlying issues. However, if the discomfort is severe or persistent, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying conditions.

Pressure points – Spleen Meridian (SP)
