Pressure Point: SI 5 – Yanggu

  • Name (Chinese): Yanggu – (陽谷)
  • Name (English): Yang Valley
  • Introduction: SI 5, also known as Yanggu, is a significant acupressure point on the Small Intestine meridian. It is often referred to as Yang Valley.


This acupressure point is located on the ulnar side of the wrist, in the depression between the styloid process of the ulna and the triquetral bone.

SI 5 Yanggu

Pressure Point Identification

Locate SI 5 by palpating the wrist joint space on the ulnar side of the hand. Find the depression between the styloid process of the ulna and the triquetral bone.


  • Alleviates wrist pain and stiffness.
  • Promotes the flow of Qi and blood in the Small Intestine meridian.
  • Relieves headaches and neck pain associated with Small Intestine imbalances.


Apply firm but gentle pressure using your thumb or index finger. Use circular motions or steady pressure for 1-2 minutes.


Avoid excessive pressure, especially if you have a wrist injury or fractures. Consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns.

Conditions Treated

  • Wrist pain and discomfort
  • Headaches and neck pain
  • Small Intestine meridian imbalances

Related Points

  • SI-3 (Houxi): Located on the back of the hand, this point is commonly used for neck and back pain.
  • SI-8 (Xiaohai): Situated on the forearm, it is often used for shoulder and arm pain.
  • LU-7 (Lieque): Found on the wrist, it can be used in conjunction with SI-5 for respiratory issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can SI 5 help with carpal tunnel syndrome?

Yes, SI-5 is often used to alleviate symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome by relieving wrist pain and promoting better energy flow in the area.

How often should I stimulate SI-5 for optimal benefits?

You can stimulate SI 5 daily for 1-2 minutes, but individual needs may vary. Listen to your body and adjust as necessary.

Are there any emotional benefits associated with SI-5 activation?

Yes, activating SI-5 may help relieve stress and tension, promoting a sense of relaxation and emotional well-being.

Pressure points – Small Intestine Meridian (SI)