Pressure Points for headaches

Pressure points are specific areas on the body that are believed to correspond to various organs, systems, and functions. In traditional Chinese medicine and other alternative healing practices, these points are thought to be access points to the body’s energy pathways, known as meridians. By applying pressure to these points, it’s believed that the flow of energy, or Qi (pronounced “chee”), can be regulated, promoting balance and wellness throughout the body.

pressure points for headache

Certain pressure points for headache on the body are targeted to help relieve pain, reduce tension, and alleviate associated symptoms. Understanding how to locate and apply pressure to these points can be a valuable tool in managing headache symptoms effectively.

Most Common Types of headaches

Headaches come in various forms, each with its own distinct characteristics and triggers. Among the most common types are:

  • Tension headaches, which manifest as a dull, aching pain or pressure around the head, often caused by stress or muscle tension.
  • Migraine headaches, on the other hand, are characterized by severe, throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head, and are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Sinus headaches, linked to sinus infections or allergies, typically cause pain and pressure in the forehead, cheeks, and around the eyes. Understanding the differences between these types of headaches is crucial for effective management and treatment

Sinus Headache

tension headache

Tension Headache

Pressure Point: LI 4 – Hegu

One of the most effective pressure points for relieving headaches, is LI-4, also known as Hegu or Union Valley. This powerful acupressure point is located on the hand, between the thumb and index finger, in the webbing of the hand.

LI 4 is believed to have a wide range of therapeutic benefits, including pain relief, relaxation, and promoting the flow of Qi (vital energy) throughout the body. By applying pressure to LI-4, it’s thought that tension and blockages in the body’s energy pathways can be released, helping to alleviate headache symptoms and promote overall well-being

how to Find LI 4 Hegu

To find and stimulate LI-4 (Hegu), also known as Union Valley, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the point: Examine the webbing between your thumb and index finger on one hand. LI-4 is located at the highest point of the muscle when the thumb and index finger are brought close together.
  2. Apply pressure: Once you’ve located LI-4, use your thumb and index finger of the opposite hand to apply firm pressure to the point. Start with gentle pressure and gradually increase as tolerated.
  3. Massage or hold: You can either massage LI-4 in a circular motion or simply hold the point for 1-2 minutes. Pay attention to any sensations you feel, such as tingling or warmth.
  4. Repeat on the other hand: For balanced relief, repeat the process on the webbing between the thumb and index finger of the other hand.

Remember to breathe deeply and relax your body while stimulating LI-4. If you experience any discomfort or pain, adjust the pressure accordingly.

Especial Consideration before using this point:

It’s important to note that while LI-4 can be highly effective for head pain relief, it should be used with caution and avoided in certain situations.

LI-4 should not be stimulated during pregnancy, as it is believed to have the potential to induce labor. Additionally, LI-4 should be avoided if there are any signs of infection, inflammation, or injury in the area.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

One of the most effective pressure points for relieving headaches is LI-4 (Hegu), located between the thumb and index finger. Applying pressure to this point can help alleviate headache symptoms, including pain and tension.

To get rid of a headache quickly, you can try several methods, including applying cold packs to the forehead, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, taking over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, and using acupressure on specific pressure points like LI-4.

Massaging specific areas of the head and neck can help relieve headache symptoms. Some common areas to massage include the temples, base of the skull, neck and shoulder muscles, and scalp. Gentle circular motions or firm pressure can be applied to these areas to promote relaxation and relieve tension.

Tapping or acupressure can be effective for relieving headaches by stimulating specific pressure points on the body. One commonly tapped pressure point for headache relief is LI-4 (Hegu), located between the thumb and index finger. Tapping or applying firm pressure to this point can help alleviate headache symptoms quickly and naturally.

Some of the most effective pressure points for relieving headaches include LI-4 (Hegu), located between the thumb and index finger, GB-20 (Fengchi), found at the base of the skull, and GV-20 (Baihui), located at the top of the head. Experiment with these points to find what works best for you.


Understanding pressure points for headache and how to utilize them effectively can significantly aid in managing and alleviating headaches. By targeting specific pressure points like LI-4 (Hegu) and employing techniques such as acupressure, individuals can find natural relief from headache symptoms without relying on medication.

Throughout this article, we’ve explored common headache types and discussed how pressure points can be used to address each one. We’ve also provided guidance on finding and stimulating LI-4, a powerful pressure point known for its headache-relieving properties.

By incorporating these techniques into your routine and listening to your body, you can take proactive steps towards managing headaches effectively. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional if headaches persist or worsen, and prioritize your well-being for a healthier, headache-free life.