Pressure Point: PC 9 – Zhongchong

  • Name (Chinese): Zhongchong – (中衝)
  • Name (English): Middle Rushing
  • Introduction: Zhongchong, or Middle Rushing, is a vital pressure point with various applications in traditional Chinese medicine. Located at the tip of the middle finger, it is associated with the Pericardium meridian.


This pressure point can be found at the most distal point on the tip of the middle finger.

PC 9 Zhongchong

Pressure Point Identification

To locate Zhongchong PC 9, find the point at the very tip of the middle finger.


  • Promotes heart health and balances the circulatory system.
  • Calms the mind and reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Supports emotional well-being and balance.


Apply gentle and steady pressure using the thumb or index finger on the tip of the middle finger. Alternatively, massage or circular motions can be employed for a relaxing effect.


Exercise caution if there are any existing injuries or infections on the middle finger. Avoid excessive force during stimulation.

Conditions Treated

  • Heart palpitations
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety and stress-related symptoms
  • Emotional imbalances

Related Points

Zhongchong is part of the Pericardium meridian, which includes a sequence of points with distinct therapeutic properties. These points work together to regulate the flow of Qi and promote overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How often should I stimulate Zhongchong PC 9 for stress relief?

The frequency of stimulation can vary. For stress relief, you can stimulate Zhongchong PC 9 daily or as needed. Listen to your body and adjust based on individual responses.

Can Zhongchong help with insomnia, and when is the best time to use it for sleep issues?

Yes, stimulating Zhongchong can be beneficial for addressing insomnia. For optimal results, consider using it before bedtime as part of a relaxing routine. However, individual responses may vary, so it’s essential to experiment and find what works best for you.

Are there any specific breathing techniques or visualizations recommended while stimulating Zhongchong PC 9?

Incorporating slow, deep breaths and positive visualizations can enhance the benefits of stimulating Zhongchong. Focus on calming the mind and envisioning a sense of balance and tranquility. Experiment with what resonates best with your relaxation practices.

Pressure points – Pericardium  Meridian (PC)

PC 9