Pericardium meridian (PC)


  • Pathway: The PC meridian follows a distinctive pathway, coursing through the chest and connecting to the pericardium.
  • Start Point: The meridian begins in the chest area, near the nipple.
  • End Point: It extends along the inner arm, terminating at the tip of the middle finger.

Organs Connected:

  • Primary Organ: The primary organ connected to the Pericardium Meridian is the pericardium itself.
  • Secondary Organs: It also influences the heart and other organs within the chest cavity.

Pressure points – Pericardium Meridian (PC)

Key Functions:

The PC meridian plays a vital role in regulating the flow of energy (Qi) throughout the chest and heart region. Key functions include maintaining emotional balance, supporting cardiovascular health, and influencing the circulation of blood.


Applying gentle acupressure or massage techniques along the PC meridian can help alleviate tension, improve emotional well-being, and promote overall heart health.

Circadian Rhythms

  • Peak Activity Time: The Pericardium Meridian is most active during the evening, particularly between 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM.
  • Associated Element: The PC meridian is associated with the Fire element in traditional Chinese medicine.

Overlaps with Other Meridians:

The PC meridian has notable overlaps with the Triple Heater (TH) meridian, working synergistically to regulate the body’s temperature and energy distribution.

Theory of the Elements

  • Element: Fire
  • Corresponding Season: Summer
  • Attributes: The Fire element is associated with warmth, passion, and transformation. In the context of the PC meridian, it signifies the emotional and energetic aspects related to the heart and pericardium.


Exercise caution when applying pressure to the PC meridian if there are existing heart conditions. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before engaging in acupressure on this meridian.

Additional Information

Individuals seeking emotional balance and heart health may benefit from incorporating acupressure along the PC meridian into their wellness routines. Always practice acupressure with awareness and, if in doubt, seek guidance from a qualified practitioner.

How to locate Pericardium Meridian’s pressure points at home?

Locating and stimulating the Pericardium Meridian’s pressure points at home can be a beneficial self-care practice. To do this, you can follow these steps:

  • Locating Points: To locate the Pericardium Meridian’s pressure points at home, familiarize yourself with its pathway. Trace the meridian from the center of the chest, just below the nipple, and follow it along the inner arm, ending at the tip of the middle finger. Use your fingertips to gently explore this trajectory, feeling for subtle points along the course of the meridian.
  • Pressure Points: Identified points along the Pericardium Meridian include PC3 (Quze), PC6 (Neiguan), and PC8 (Laogong). Locate these points and apply gentle pressure using your thumb or forefinger. Gradually increase the pressure until you feel a mild sensation.
  • Stimulation Techniques: To stimulate the identified points, employ circular or up-and-down motions with your thumb or forefinger. Maintain consistent, rhythmic pressure for 1-2 minutes on each point. Throughout the process, focus on deep and relaxed breathing to enhance the calming effects and promote overall emotional and cardiovascular well-being.

Remember, the goal is to create a soothing and harmonizing effect by stimulating these points. If you encounter any discomfort or pain, adjust the pressure accordingly. If you have existing health concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before engaging in acupressure on the Pericardium Meridian.

Is the Pericardium Meridian overlapping with other meridians?

Yes, the Pericardium Meridian does overlap with other meridians, and one of the notable overlaps is with the Triple Heater (TH) Meridian.

The Pericardium (PC) and Triple Heater (TH) meridians are considered a paired set in traditional Chinese medicine. They work in conjunction to regulate the body’s temperature and energy distribution. The PC meridian primarily influences the pericardium, while the TH meridian is associated with functions related to the regulation of body temperature and metabolism.

The overlap of the Pericardium and Triple Heater meridians highlights the interconnectedness of the body’s energy pathways and their cooperative role in maintaining overall balance and well-being. Stimulating points along both meridians may be considered in holistic approaches to promote harmony within the body’s energetic system.

Can the Pericardium Meridian help with stress?

Yes, the Pericardium Meridian is often associated with emotions and mental well-being, and its stimulation through acupressure or other traditional Chinese medicine practices may be beneficial for managing stress.

The Pericardium Meridian is closely related to the pericardium, a protective sac around the heart, and is believed to play a role in regulating emotions, particularly those related to the heart. In traditional Chinese medicine, emotional balance is considered crucial for overall health, and imbalances may manifest physically.

Stimulating the Pericardium Meridian’s pressure points, such as PC6 (Neiguan), which is known for its calming effects, may help alleviate stress and promote a sense of relaxation. Techniques like acupressure, massage, or other traditional methods can be used to gently stimulate these points.

However, it’s important to note that while acupressure on the Pericardium Meridian may offer support for stress management, it’s not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

Individuals experiencing chronic or severe stress should consult with a healthcare professional to explore a comprehensive approach to stress management that may include both traditional and conventional methods.

Can the Pericardium Meridian influence sleep patterns?

Yes, the Pericardium Meridian is believed to have an influence on sleep patterns, particularly through its association with emotional well-being and the regulation of the heart’s energy. In traditional Chinese medicine, disruptions in the flow of energy along the Pericardium Meridian may be linked to imbalances in emotions, which can, in turn, affect sleep.

Stimulating specific points along the Pericardium Meridian, such as PC6 (Neiguan), may be considered to support better sleep. PC6 is known for its calming effects and is often utilized in traditional practices like acupressure or acupuncture to address issues related to emotional well-being and relaxation.

However, it’s important to approach the use of the Pericardium Meridian or any acupressure techniques for sleep with a holistic perspective. Sleep patterns can be influenced by various factors, including lifestyle, stress levels, and overall health.

While acupressure on the Pericardium Meridian may be a complementary approach, individuals experiencing persistent sleep issues should consult with a healthcare professional to explore a comprehensive strategy for improving sleep.

This may include addressing any underlying health conditions, establishing healthy sleep habits, and considering a combination of traditional and conventional approaches.