Pressure Point: LU 5 – Chize

  • Name (Chinese): Chize – (尺澤)
  • Name (English): Cubit Marsh
  • Introduction: Chize (LU 5) is a significant pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, located on the radial aspect of the cubital crease. It plays a role in regulating the flow of Qi in the Lung meridian.


  • On the cubital crease, on the radial aspect of the biceps tendon.
  • Easily identified when the elbow is slightly flexed.
LU 5 Chize

Pressure Point Identification

  • Slightly flex the forearm, making the biceps tendon more visible.
  • Locate Chize LU 5 on the radial aspect of the cubital crease.


  • Promotes lung health and function.
  • Alleviates respiratory issues.
  • Relieves cough and wheezing.
  • Enhances the immune system.


  • Apply firm but gentle pressure with your thumb or index finger, using circular motions or steady pressure for 1-2 minutes.


  • Avoid excessive force, especially if the person has a history of joint issues or recent injuries. If discomfort persists, consult a healthcare professional.

Conditions Treated

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Cough
  • Respiratory infections

Related Points

  • LU-1 (Zhongfu): Located on the upper chest, beneficial for respiratory issues.
  • LU-9 (Taiyuan): Found on the radial side of the wrist, complementary for lung-related conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Chize LU 5 help with allergies?

Yes, stimulating Chize LU-5 may help alleviate symptoms of allergies and improve overall respiratory health.

How often should I stimulate this point?

For general well-being, 1-2 minutes of pressure on Chize LU-5 can be done daily. In acute conditions, consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

Is there anyone who should avoid stimulating this point?

Individuals with severe joint injuries or chronic conditions should exercise caution and seek professional advice before applying pressure to Chize LU 5.

Pressure points – Lung Meridian (LU)

LU 5