Pressure Point: LU 2 – Yunmen

  • Name (Chinese): Yunmen – (雲門)
  • Name (English): Cloud Gate
  • Introduction: Yunmen (LU-2) is a vital acupressure point on the Lung meridian, known as Cloud Gate. It plays a significant role in promoting respiratory health and balancing the flow of Qi (vital energy) in the body.


  • Yunmen (LU 2) is situated on the antero-lateral aspect of the chest, below the lateral extremity of the clavicle.
  • Specifically, it is about 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline and is positioned in the center of the deltopectoral triangle.
LU 2 Yunmen

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate the deltopectoral triangle, have the patient extend their hand forward while applying resistance. This triangle is bordered by the clavicle on top and the coracoid process laterally (within the deltoid muscle).
  • Yunmen (LU 2) is found at the center of this triangle, marked by a palpable depression in the thoracic wall.


  • Supports respiratory health
  • Alleviates chest congestion
  • Balances lung function
  • Eases breathing difficulties


  • Apply firm, steady pressure with your thumb or fingertip.
  • Use circular or pulsing motions.
  • Adjust the pressure based on the recipient’s comfort level.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially in individuals with chest injuries or sensitivities.
  • If there is any discomfort or pain, reduce the pressure or discontinue the application.

Conditions Treated

  • Asthma
  • Cough and cold
  • Respiratory infections
  • Chest tightness

Related Points

  • LU-1 (Zhongfu): Located on the upper chest, directly below the clavicle. It complements Yunmen in addressing respiratory issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

it normal to feel tenderness when applying pressure to Yunmen (LU 2)?

Yes, some tenderness or sensitivity may be normal, but it should not be painful. Adjust the pressure accordingly.

Can Yunmen (LU 2) be used for conditions other than respiratory issues?

While its primary focus is respiratory health, stimulating Yunmen may also have general benefits for promoting overall well-being.

How often should acupressure on Yunmen (LU 2) be done for optimal results?

The frequency depends on the individual’s condition. It can be done daily for chronic issues or as needed for acute symptoms. Adjust based on response and comfort.

Pressure points – Lung Meridian (LU)

LU 2