Pressure Point: LR 14 – Qimen

  • Name (Chinese): Qimen – (期門)
  • Name (English): Cyclic Gate
  • Introduction: Qimen (LR 14) is a significant pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, known as the Cyclic Gate.


  • Qimen is situated on the mammillary line, two ribs below the nipple, specifically in the 6th intercostal space, and is 4 cun lateral to the midline.
  • There’s an alternative location at the lower edge of the ribcage in line with the nipple or, in women, 4 cun from the midline. These locations are considered as two separate points.
  • The intercostal space location is often used for channel problems, while the lower edge of the ribcage location is used more for organ problems.
LR 14 Qimen

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate LR-14, start from the nipple (usually on the 4th intercostal space) and palpate downward 2 intercostal spaces to find LR-14 in the 6th intercostal space.


  • Alleviates Liver Qi stagnation
  • Regulates the Liver meridian
  • Harmonizes the flow of Qi


  • Techniques for stimulating LR-14 may include gentle acupressure massage, depending on the training and preference of the practitioner.


  • Exercise caution and gentle pressure, particularly in individuals with ribcage injuries or fractures. If uncertain, consult with a qualified healthcare professional before applying pressure.

Conditions Treated

  • Liver Qi stagnation
  • Emotional imbalances
  • Digestive issues

Related Points

  • LR-13 (Zhangmen): Located on the anterior aspect of the ribcage, just below the nipple, addressing Liver-related concerns.
  • PC-6 (Neiguan): Regulates Qi and is beneficial for emotional well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can LR-14 be stimulated for emotional well-being?

Absolutely, LR 14 is recognized for its influence on emotional well-being. Stimulation of this point is believed to alleviate emotional imbalances by harmonizing the flow of Liver Qi, which plays a crucial role in regulating emotions and stress. Incorporating LR 14 into acupressure or acupuncture sessions can contribute to a sense of emotional balance.

Are there specific techniques recommended for stimulating LR-14?

Various techniques can be employed to stimulate LR 14, by using acupressure we wiil apply firm but gentle pressure to the point, while massage techniques can include circular motions to enhance blood circulation.

How often should LR 14 be stimulated for optimal benefits?

Yes, LR-14 is associated with regulating Liver Qi, which, in turn, influences the digestive system. Stimulation of LR-14 is believed to contribute to digestive balance, making it a potentially beneficial point for addressing issues such as indigestion, bloating, and overall digestive discomfort.

Pressure points – Liver Meridian (LR)

LR 14