Pressure Point: LR 12 – Jimai

  • Name (Chinese): Jimai – (急脈)
  • Name (English): Swift Pulse
  • Introduction: The Jimai (Swift Pulse) is a crucial pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, known for its association with the femoral artery pulse. It plays a role in balancing energy flow and promoting overall well-being.


  • This pressure point is situated interior and lateral to the pubic spine. It is precisely 2.5 cun lateral to the Qugu point (CV-2) on the anterior midline and 1 cun inferior to the upper border of the symphysis.
LR 12 Jimai

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate LR-12, measure 2.5 cun laterally and 1 cun inferiorly from Qugu REN-2 at the upper border of the pubic symphysis. In this area, palpate the femoral artery pulse and find LR-12 medial to the artery.


  • Regulates the femoral artery pulse
  • Supports digestive health
  • Harmonizes energy flow in the lower abdomen


Apply gentle and steady pressure using your fingertips or a suitable acupressure tool. Use a circular or kneading motion, gradually increasing pressure based on comfort.


Exercise caution when applying pressure, especially if the person has any existing medical conditions. If there’s discomfort or pain, discontinue the pressure and consult a healthcare professional.

Conditions Treated

  • Digestive issues
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Circulatory imbalances

Related Points

Qugu (CV-2): Located on the anterior midline, 2 cun inferior to the umbilicus. Stimulating Qugu can complement the effects of LR-12 on abdominal health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I locate LR-12 without measuring from another point?

While measuring from Qugu is a common method, experienced practitioners may also locate LR-12 based on anatomical landmarks and palpation of the femoral artery.

How long should I apply pressure to LR 12 for optimal benefits?

Start with 1-2 minutes and adjust based on individual comfort. Regular, moderate pressure can be more effective than prolonged, intense pressure.

Are there any contraindications for stimulating LR 12?

Individuals with vascular or abdominal conditions should exercise caution. Pregnant individuals should avoid strong pressure in this area. Always consult a healthcare professional if uncertain.

Pressure points – Liver Meridian (LR)

LR 12