Pressure Point: LI 8 – Xialian

  • Name (Chinese): Xialian – (下廉)
  • Name (English): Lower Point at the Border
  • Introduction: Xialian (LI 8) is an acupressure point in traditional Chinese medicine located on the Large Intestine meridian. It is known as the “Lower Point at the Border” and is valued for its therapeutic benefits.


When a fist is made, with the ulnar side downward and elbow flexed, the point is 4 cun distal to Quchi (LI-11) on the line joining Yangxi (LI-5) and Quchi (LI-11).

LI 8 Xialian

Pressure Point Identification

  • With the hand supinated, the line connecting Yangxi (LI-5) and Quchi (LI-11) runs alongside the radial margin of the forearm. However, with the arm pronated, it transverses the forearm.
  • The forearm is recommended to be in a midposition with a flexed elbow. Xialian (LI-8) is located 4 cun distal to Quchi (LI-11) on the line connecting Yangxi (LI-5) and Quchi (LI-11).


  • Promotes energy flow in the Large Intestine meridian
  • Alleviates pain and discomfort in the arm and elbow
  • Supports digestive health


Apply moderate pressure using the thumb or index finger in a circular or kneading motion. Use slow, rhythmic movements and adjust the pressure based on individual comfort.


Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the person has a history of arm or elbow injuries. If there is any discomfort or pain, discontinue the pressure and consult a healthcare professional.

Conditions Treated

  • Tennis elbow
  • Arm pain and stiffness
  • Digestive issues

Related Points

Quchi (LI-11): Located proximal to Xialian, Quchi is often stimulated together for a comprehensive effect on the Large Intestine meridian.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Xialian (LI 8) be stimulated with both hand positions (supinated and pronated)?

Yes, Xialian can be stimulated with either hand position, but practitioners often recommend the midposition with a flexed elbow for optimal results.

How long and how often should I stimulate Xialian LI 8 for therapeutic benefits?

It’s generally recommended to stimulate Xialian for 1-2 minutes, 2-3 times a day. Adjust the duration and frequency based on individual comfort and response

Are there any specific breathing techniques or postures recommended during Xialian LI 8 stimulation?

Deep, slow breathing is often beneficial during acupressure. Maintain a comfortable posture, and focus on relaxation to enhance the overall effectiveness of the treatment.

Pressure points – Large Intestine Meridian (LI)