Pressure Point: LI 7 – Wenliu

  • Name (Chinese): Wenliu – (溫溜)
  • Name (English): Warm Flow
  • Introduction: Wenliu LI 7, also known as Warm Flow, is a crucial pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine. It is associated with the Large Intestine meridian and holds significance in promoting warmth and energy flow within the body.


This pressure point is located 5 cun above Yangxi LI-5 at the wrist crease, 1 cun distal to the midpoint of the line joining Yangxi LI-5 and Quchi LI-11. To locate Wenliu LI-7, make a fist with the ulnar side downward and elbow flexed.

LI 7 Wenliu

Pressure Point Identification

  • Wenliu LI 7 is situated on the dorso-lateral aspect of the radius. To find it, measure 5 cun above Yangxi LI-5 at the wrist or 1 cun distal to the midpoint of the line joining Yangxi LI-5 and Quchi LI-11.
  • When the hand is supinated, the line connecting Yangxi LI-5 and Quchi LI-11 runs alongside the radial margin of the forearm. However, with the arm pronated, it traverses the forearm. For accurate identification, keep the forearm in a mid-position with a flexed elbow.


  • Enhances energy circulation in the Large Intestine meridian.
  • Alleviates pain and discomfort in the forearm.
  • Promotes overall relaxation and balance in the body.


Apply firm but gentle pressure to Wenliu LI-7 using the thumb or index finger. Use circular or rubbing motions for about 1-2 minutes, or as needed.


Exercise caution when applying pressure to this point, especially if the individual has a history of wrist or forearm injuries. Avoid excessive force and adapt the pressure to the individual’s comfort level.

Conditions Treated

  • Forearm pain or tension.
  • Digestive issues related to the Large Intestine meridian.
  • Stress and tension.

Related Points

  • Yangxi LI-5: Located at the wrist crease, Yangxi LI-5 is a neighboring point that, when stimulated alongside Wenliu LI 7, can enhance the therapeutic effects on the forearm and promote energy flow in the Large Intestine meridian.
  • Quchi LI-11: Positioned at the lateral end of the elbow crease, Quchi LI-11 complements Wenliu LI-7 in addressing issues related to the forearm and promoting overall balance in the Large Intestine meridian.
  • Hegu LI-4: Found on the dorsum of the hand, Hegu LI-4 is another significant point that, when considered in conjunction with Wenliu LI-7, contributes to a holistic approach in managing pain, tension, and promoting relaxation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Wenliu LI 7 be used for headache relief?

While Wenliu LI 7 primarily addresses issues in the forearm, its connection to the Large Intestine meridian may indirectly help with certain types of headaches.

Are there specific breathing techniques to enhance the benefits of Wenliu LI-7 stimulation?

Deep, slow breathing can complement the effects of Wenliu LI-7 stimulation, promoting relaxation and energy flow.

Can Wenliu LI-7 be stimulated during pregnancy?

It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before applying acupressure during pregnancy. Wenliu LI 7 is associated with the Large Intestine meridian, which is generally avoided during pregnancy.

Pressure points – Large Intestine Meridian (LI)