Pressure Point: LI 19 – Kouheliao

  • Name (Chinese): Kouheliao – (口禾髎)
  • Name (English): Mouth Grain Hole
  • Introduction: It is a vital acupressure point used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its English name, Mouth Grain Hole, reflects its location and its potential benefits for various health concerns related to the face and oral region.


Kouheliao (LI 19) is located directly below the lateral margin of the nostril, level with Renzhong (DU-26).

LI 19 Kouheliao

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate Kouheliao (LI 19), divide the distance between the nostril and the upper lip into three sections.
  • Renzhong (DU-26) is on the anterior midline, at the junction of the upper and middle thirds.
  • Kouheliao (LI-19) is at the same level as DU-26, 0.5 cun lateral to it.


  • Alleviates sinus congestion
  • Relieves nasal and facial pain
  • Supports overall respiratory health
  • May aid in addressing certain oral issues


  • Apply firm but gentle pressure using the pad of your thumb or index finger.
  • Use circular or pumping motions for 1-2 minutes.
  • Repeat on the other side if needed.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially if there’s discomfort or pain.
  • Consult a healthcare professional if you have underlying health conditions.

Conditions Treated

  • Sinusitis
  • Nasal congestion
  • Facial pain or tension
  • Respiratory issues

Related Points

  • DU-26 (Renzhong): Located on the midline, at the junction of the upper and middle thirds of the face.
  • LI-20 (Yingxiang): Adjacent to Kouheliao (LI-19) and associated with nasal and sinus conditions.
  • ST-3 (Juliao): Another point near the mouth used for addressing facial pain and tension.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Kouheliao (LI 19) help with headaches?

While Kouheliao is more specific to facial issues, it may indirectly alleviate headaches related to sinus congestion.

Are there any age restrictions for applying pressure to Kouheliao?

Acupressure is generally safe for all ages, but gentle pressure is advisable for children and the elderly.

How often should I stimulate Kouheliao LI 19 for optimal benefits?

It varies, but 1-2 minutes of daily stimulation or as needed for relief is a common recommendation. Adjust based on individual response.

Pressure points – Large Intestine Meridian (LI)
