Pressure Point: LI 15 – Jianyu

  • Name (Chinese): Jianyu – (肩髃)
  • Name (English): Shoulder and Clavicle
  • Introduction: Jianyu LI 15 is a crucial acupressure point located on the Shoulder and Clavicle meridian. It plays a significant role in addressing issues related to the shoulder, including pain and tension.


Jianyu LI 15 is located antero-inferior to the acromion, between the clavicular and acromial portions of the deltoid muscle.

LI 15 Jianyu

Pressure Point Identification

  • When abducting the arm and leaving it in a horizontal position, two depressions are formed in the insertion area of the deltoid. Jianyu LI-15 is situated at the anterior depression, easily identifiable during arm movement.
  • Note: Jianliao TB-14 is located in the other depression, serving as another pressure point in close proximity.


  • Alleviates shoulder pain and stiffness
  • Reduces tension in the clavicle area
  • Promotes relaxation in the shoulder muscles
  • Enhances mobility and flexibility in the shoulder joint


  • Apply firm but gentle pressure with the fingertips.
  • Use circular motions or steady pressure for 1-2 minutes.
  • Combine with deep breathing for enhanced relaxation.


  • Avoid excessive pressure; start with light pressure and gradually increase.
  • If there’s acute pain, consult a healthcare professional before applying acupressure.

Conditions Treated

  • Shoulder pain and discomfort
  • Tension headaches related to neck and shoulder tension
  • Limited range of motion in the shoulder joint

Related Points

Located in the same area, Jianliao TB-14 complements Jianyu LI-15 in addressing shoulder tension.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Jianyu LI 15 help with frozen shoulder?

Yes, regular acupressure on Jianyu LI-15 may help improve mobility and reduce discomfort associated with frozen shoulder. However, consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive approach.

How often should I stimulate Jianyu LI 15 for optimal results?

For general maintenance, 2-3 times a week is recommended. Increase frequency if experiencing acute discomfort, and adjust pressure based on individual comfort levels.

Are there any visual cues to confirm I’ve found Jianyu LI-15 correctly?

Yes, when abducting the arm, the anterior depression formed in the deltoid insertion area corresponds to the location of Jianyu LI 15.

Pressure points – Large Intestine Meridian (LI)
