Pressure Point: LI 12 – Zhouliao

  • Name (Chinese): Zhouliao – (肘髎)
  • Name (English): Elbow Bone Hole
  • Introduction: Zhouliao LI 12 is a crucial pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, located on the anterior aspect of the elbow joint. Understanding its location and proper identification is essential for effective acupressure or acupuncture practices.


This pressure point is situated with the elbow flexed, specifically on the anterior border of the humerus. Zhouliao LI 12 is found 1 cun proximal to Quchi LI-11, positioned on the lateral end of the cubital crease.

LI 12 Zhouliao

Pressure Point Identification

To locate Zhouliao LI-12, flex the elbow to approximately 90°. Palpate 1 cun above Quchi LI-11. Find Zhouliao LI-12 at the junction of the shaft with the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, situated in front of the anterior border of the bone.


  • Alleviates elbow pain
  • Improves flexibility and mobility in the elbow joint
  • Relieves conditions associated with the arm and forearm


Apply firm but gentle pressure with your thumb or index finger to Zhouliao LI-12. Use circular or kneading motions for 1-2 minutes. Repeat as needed.


Exercise caution when applying pressure, especially if the individual has a history of elbow injuries or conditions. Avoid excessive force to prevent discomfort or injury.

Conditions Treated

  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Elbow stiffness
  • Arm pain and numbness

Related Points

Quchi LI-11: Located 1 cun distal to Zhouliao LI-12, this point complements Zhouliao in treating elbow and arm issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I apply pressure to Zhouliao LI 12 without flexing the elbow?

While it’s ideal to locate the point with the elbow flexed, gentle pressure can still be applied with the arm in a relaxed position.

How often should acupressure on Zhouliao LI 12 be performed for optimal benefits?

Daily sessions of 5-10 minutes are generally recommended. Adjust the frequency based on individual response.

Are there any specific breathing techniques recommended during acupressure on Zhouliao LI-12?

Deep, slow breaths can enhance relaxation. Inhale deeply before applying pressure and exhale slowly during the release.

Pressure points – Large Intestine Meridian (LI)
