Pressure Point: LI 11 – Quchi

  • Name (Chinese): Quchi – (曲池)
  • Name (English): Pool at the Bend
  • Introduction: Quchi (LI 11) is a significant pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, known for its therapeutic benefits. It is located on the Large Intestine meridian and is associated with various health benefits.


Quchi (LI 11) is situated in the depression at the lateral end of the cubital crease, midway between Chize (LU-5) and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus when the elbow is flexed.

LI 11 Quchi

Pressure Point Identification

  • With the elbow completely flexed and the thumb on top, locate the lateral end of the elbow crease.
  • With the elbow flexed at approximately 90°, palpate for a pressure-sensitive depression in this area on the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle.
  • Quchi (LI-11) is located close to the border of the proximal aspect of the ulna.


  • Alleviates pain and stiffness in the elbow and arm.
  • Reduces heat and inflammation in the body.
  • Supports the proper functioning of the Large Intestine meridian.


Apply firm but gentle pressure using the thumb or fingers in a circular motion. You can also use tapping or massage techniques to stimulate the point.


Avoid excessive pressure, especially if there are existing injuries or inflammation in the elbow area. Pregnant women should consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to this point.

Conditions Treated

  • Tennis elbow (Lateral epicondylitis)
  • Digestive issues
  • Allergies
  • Skin conditions

Related Points

  • Chize (LU-5): Located nearby, Chize complements Quchi in addressing respiratory issues.
  • LI-4 (Hegu): The “Joining Valley” point, often used in combination with Quchi for various conditions.
  • LI-10 (Shousanli): Found on the forearm, it is connected to Quchi in treating arm and elbow issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I apply pressure to Quchi LI 11 if I have a recent elbow injury?

It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure if you have a recent elbow injury to avoid exacerbating the condition.

How long and how often should I stimulate Quchi LI 11 for optimal benefits?

Start with short sessions, around 1-2 minutes, and gradually increase as your body responds. It’s generally safe to stimulate this point once or twice a day.

Are there specific breathing techniques that enhance the effects of Quchi stimulation?

Deep, slow breaths can enhance relaxation and the overall effectiveness of Quchi stimulation. Focus on breathing naturally and comfortably during the session.

Pressure points – Large Intestine Meridian (LI)
