Pressure Point: KI 24 – Lingxu

  • Name (Chinese): Lingxu – (靈墟)
  • Name (English): Spirit Ruin
  • Introduction: Lingxu (KI-24) is a vital pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, associated with the Kidney meridian. It is known for its significance in influencing energy flow and addressing various health concerns.


This pressure point is located in the 3rd intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

KI 24 Lingxu

Pressure Point Identification

  • First, identify the 3rd intercostal space by counting 3 spaces down from the clavicle.
  • Lingxu (KI 24) is situated in this space and is also 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
  • Yutang (CV 18) is at the level of the 3rd intercostal space but on the anterior midline


  • Balances and harmonizes Kidney Qi.
  • Regulates respiratory function.
  • Alleviates chest congestion.
  • Calms the mind and spirit.


Apply gentle but firm pressure with your fingertips or thumbs to Lingxu (KI-24) in a circular or kneading motion. Use slow, steady pressure and adjust based on comfort.


Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the area is tender or sensitive. If the individual has underlying health conditions, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before applying acupressure.

Conditions Treated

  • Respiratory issues (e.g., asthma, shortness of breath).
  • Anxiety and stress-related symptoms.
  • Kidney imbalances.
  • Chest discomfort or pain.

Related Points

  • Yutang (REN-18): Located at the level of the 3rd intercostal space on the anterior midline.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I use Lingxu KI 24 for immediate relief from anxiety?

Lingxu is associated with calming the mind, and gentle acupressure on this point may help alleviate anxiety symptoms. However, for persistent anxiety, it’s advisable to seek professional guidance.

Are there any specific breathing techniques that complement Lingxu KI 24 acupressure?

Deep, diaphragmatic breathing can enhance the benefits of Lingxu acupressure. Inhale deeply, expanding the abdomen, and exhale slowly to promote relaxation.

How often should I stimulate Lingxu KI 24 for respiratory issues?

It’s generally safe to stimulate Lingxu daily for respiratory support. However, individual responses vary, so monitor your body’s reactions and adjust as needed. If symptoms persist, consult a healthcare professional.

Pressure points – Kidney Meridian (KI)
