Pressure Point: KI 17 – Shangqu

  • Name (Chinese): Shangqu – (商曲)
  • Name (English): Metal Bend
  • Introduction: Shangqu (KI 17), also known as Metal Bend, is a vital pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine. It plays a crucial role in promoting balance and harmony within the body’s energy system.


This pressure point is located 2 cun above the umbilicus, 0.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

KI 17 Shangqu

Pressure Point Identification

To locate Shangqu (KI 17), divide the distance between the umbilicus center and the sternocostal angle into 8 equal parts, with each part being approximately 1 cun. Shangqu is precisely positioned 2 cun above the umbilicus and 0.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline.


  • Balances and harmonizes the energy flow in the kidney meridian.
  • Alleviates lower back pain and stiffness.
  • Supports reproductive health.
  • Enhances overall vitality and resilience.


Apply gentle and steady pressure using your fingertips. You can use circular motions or hold the point for 1-2 minutes, breathing deeply and relaxing during the process.


Exercise caution with pregnant individuals. Avoid excessive pressure or discomfort during stimulation.

Conditions Treated

  • Lower back pain
  • Kidney imbalances
  • Reproductive issues
  • Fatigue and weakness

Related Points

  • KI-16 (Huangshu): Located 1 cun above KI-17, Huangshu is closely related and enhances the effects of Shangqu in supporting kidney health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it normal to feel warmth or tingling when applying pressure to Shangqu KI 17?

Yes, sensations like warmth or tingling are common responses during acupressure. These sensations may indicate improved energy flow and are generally considered positive. However, if you experience discomfort or pain, it’s advisable to adjust the pressure or consult with a healthcare professional.

Can Shangqu KI 17 be stimulated as a preventive measure, or is it only for addressing existing issues?

Shangqu KI 17 can be stimulated for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. Regular acupressure on this point may help maintain the balance of energy in the kidney meridian, potentially preventing imbalances and promoting overall well-being.

Are there any specific breathing techniques recommended while stimulating Shangqu?

Deep, slow breathing is often recommended during acupressure to enhance relaxation and promote the flow of energy. Inhale deeply, focusing on filling your lungs, and exhale slowly. This rhythmic breathing can complement the benefits of stimulating Shangqu KI 17 and contribute to a more effective and enjoyable experience.

Pressure points – Kidney Meridian (KI)
