Pressure Point: HE 2 – Qingling

  • Name (Chinese): Qingling – (青靈)
  • Name (English): Green Spirit
  • Introduction: Qingling (Green Spirit) is a vital pressure point associated with the Heart meridian in traditional Chinese medicine. It holds significance for its therapeutic benefits related to heart health and emotional well-being.


Qingling (HE 2) is situated 3 cun above the medial end of the transverse cubital crease. Specifically, it is located in the depression medial to the biceps brachii muscle.

HE 2 Qingling

Pressure Point Identification

  • With the elbow flexed, measure 3 cun from the ulnar end of the cubital crease towards the axilla.
  • Qingling (HE 2) is identified in a depression along the medial border of the biceps brachii muscle.


  • Promotes heart health and circulation.
  • Eases emotional stress and anxiety.
  • Supports relaxation and sleep.


  • Apply steady, firm pressure with your thumb or index finger.
  • Use circular or pulsating motions.
  • Gradually increase pressure, focusing on comfort.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the area is sensitive.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional if you have heart conditions or are pregnant.

Conditions Treated

  • Palpitations and chest discomfort.
  • Emotional imbalances, stress, and anxiety.
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances.

Related Points

  • HE-3 (Shaohai): Located on the ulnar aspect of the palm, this point complements Qingling for emotional well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I stimulate Qingling if I have heart problems?

It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to Qingling if you have pre-existing heart conditions.

How often should I stimulate Qingling for optimal benefits?

Gentle stimulation once or twice daily can be beneficial. Adjust frequency based on personal comfort and response.

Can Qingling help with sleep disorders?

Yes, stimulating Qingling may contribute to relaxation and improved sleep. However, consult with a healthcare provider for persistent sleep issues.

Pressure points – Heart Meridian (HE)

HE 2