Pressure Point: HE 1 – Jiquan

  • Name (Chinese): Jiquan – (極泉)
  • Name (English): Highest Spring
  • Introduction: HE-1, Jiquan, is an essential acupressure point located in the axilla. It is known as the Highest Spring and is associated with various therapeutic benefits.


  • We can find this pressure point in the center of the axilla, on the medial side of the axillary artery.
HE 1 Jiquan

Pressure Point Identification

  • With the arm abducted, palpate along the thoracic wall in a superior direction towards the center of the axilla until reaching the highest point. This point corresponds to HE-1, Jiquan.


  • Promotes energy flow in the chest region.
  • Alleviates shoulder and arm pain.
  • Relieves chest tightness and congestion.


  • Apply firm but gentle pressure using your fingertips or thumbs. Use circular motions or steady pressure for 1-2 minutes, or until you feel a release of tension.


  • Exercise caution if the person has any shoulder injuries or discomfort. Avoid excessive pressure, and if there is severe pain or discomfort, discontinue the pressure and seek professional advice.

Conditions Treated

  • Shoulder pain and tension.
  • Chest congestion.
  • Respiratory issues.

Related Points

  • LU-1 Zhongfu (Central Palace): Located on the upper chest, beneficial for respiratory conditions.
  • LI-4 Hegu (Joining Valley): Found on the hand, effective for pain relief and immune system support.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I stimulate HE 1 Jiquan on my own?

Yes, you can stimulate HE-1 Jiquan on your own. Use gentle pressure with your fingertips or thumbs in a circular motion. However, if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, or if you’re unsure about applying pressure, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting self-massage.

How often should I stimulate HE-1 for optimal benefits?

The frequency of stimulating HE 1 Jiquan depends on your specific needs. You can perform self-massage for 1-2 minutes, a few times a day, or as needed for relief. Pay attention to your body’s response, and if you experience any discomfort or if your symptoms persist, consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Can HE-1 help with anxiety and stress?

HE-1 is associated with promoting energy flow and may contribute to stress relief. Regular stimulation of this point, combined with relaxation techniques, might have a calming effect. However, it’s essential to approach stress management comprehensively. If you’re dealing with persistent anxiety or stress, consider consulting with a healthcare professional or a qualified acupressure practitioner for tailored guidance and support.

Pressure points – Heart Meridian (HE)

HE 1