Pressure Point: GV 5 – Xuanshu

  • Name (Chinese): Xuanshu – (懸樞)
  • Name (English): Suspended Pivot
  • Introduction: GV 5 is a significant acupressure point rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. This vital point is associated with addressing lower back discomfort, promoting digestive health, and enhancing kidney and urinary functions.


This acupressure point is situated on the back midline, in the depression below the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra (L1).

GV 5 Xuanshu

Pressure Point Identification

  • Locate Tuffier’s line, connecting the two most superior points on the iliac crest. It typically intersects with the 4th lumbar vertebra (L4).
  • Count up three vertebrae from the intersection to find the 1st lumbar vertebra (L1).
  • Find Xuanshu DU-5 below the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra (L1) on the midline.


  • Alleviates lower back pain
  • Improves digestive issues
  • Enhances kidney function
  • Regulates urinary disorders


Apply gentle and steady pressure using thumbs or fingertips. Use circular or kneading motions to massage the point.


Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the person has a history of back injuries or spinal issues. Consult with a healthcare professional if uncertain.

Conditions Treated

  • Lower back pain
  • Digestive disorders
  • Kidney-related issues
  • Urinary problems

Related Points

  • BL-23 Shenshu (associated with the Kidneys)
  • BL-40 Weizhong (lower back and knee pain)
  • BL-47 Hunmen (associated with the Liver)

These points work synergistically to address issues related to the back, kidneys, and liver.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can anyone apply pressure to Xuanshu GV 5, or should it be done by a professional?

Xuanshu is generally safe for self-application, but if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns, consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended before starting any acupressure regimen.

How long and how often should I stimulate Xuanshu GV 5 for optimal benefits?

To maximize benefits, apply gentle pressure to Xuanshu for 1-2 minutes, 2-3 times a day. However, individual responses may vary, and it’s essential to listen to your body. Consistency is key, so establish a routine that suits your comfort and gradually adjust the duration and frequency as needed.

Are there any specific breathing techniques to enhance the effectiveness of acupressure on Xuanshu GV 5?

Incorporating deep, slow breathing can enhance relaxation and optimize the effectiveness of acupressure on Xuanshu. Inhale deeply, hold for a moment, and exhale slowly as you apply gentle pressure. This mindful breathing technique complements the therapeutic benefits of acupressure.

Pressure points – Governing vessel Meridian (GV)