Pressure Point: GV 28 – Yinjiao

  • Name (Chinese): Yinjiao – (齦交)
  • Name (English): Gum Union
  • Introduction: The Gum Union pressure point, also known as Yinjiao GV 28 in Chinese medicine. This unique acupressure point is revered for its therapeutic benefits, addressing various issues related to dental health, facial tension, and even offering relief from nasal congestion.


This pressure point holds a crucial position between the upper lip and the upper labial gingiva, nestled within the delicate frenulum of the upper lip.

GV 28 Yinjiao

Pressure Point Identification

To identify Yinjiao GV-28, lift the upper lip to reveal the frenulum and the upper gum. Locate the point on the midline, precisely at the junction of the frenulum with the upper gum.


  • Relieves nasal congestion
  • Alleviates dental issues
  • Reduces stress and tension in the facial muscles


  • Gently raise the upper lip to expose the frenulum and upper gum. Locate Yinjiao DU-28 at the midline, where the frenulum meets the upper gum. Apply steady and firm pressure using your thumb or index finger.


  • Exercise caution to avoid excessive pressure, especially if the individual has dental or gum sensitivity. Start with gentle pressure and gradually increase as tolerated.

Conditions Treated

  • Sinus congestion
  • Toothache
  • Facial tension or pain

Related Points

  • LI-20 Yingxiang (Welcome Fragrance) – Located on the face, near the nostrils. Stimulating both points can enhance the benefits for sinus-related issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I stimulate Yinjiao for general relaxation, or is it specifically for dental and facial issues?

While Yinjiao GV-28 is effective for dental and facial concerns, its stimulation may also contribute to overall relaxation and stress reduction.

How much pressure should be applied to Yinjiao GV 28, and for how long?

Start with gentle pressure and gradually increase. Hold the point for 1-2 minutes or until you experience relief. Adjust pressure based on personal comfort.

Are there any situations where stimulating Yinjiao GV 28 is not recommended?

Avoid excessive pressure if you have dental work or gum sensitivity. If you have concerns or pre-existing conditions, consult a healthcare professional before applying pressure to Yinjiao.

Pressure points – Governing vessel Meridian (GV)