Pressure Point: GV 27 – Duiduan

  • Name (Chinese): Duiduan – (兌端)
  • Name (English): End Exchange
  • Introduction: Duiduan (GV 27), is known for promoting mental clarity, alleviating facial tension, and fostering overall relaxation. By gently stimulating Duiduan, one can experience potential benefits for both mental well-being and facial comfort.


This pressure point is precisely located on the midline, at the junction of the philtrum and the upper lip.

GV 27 Duiduan

Pressure Point Identification

Duiduan (DU-27) is situated at the junction of the upper lip and the philtrum.


  • Enhances mental clarity and concentration.
  • Alleviates facial pain and tension.
  • Promotes overall relaxation.


  • Apply gentle, steady pressure using the pad of your thumb or forefinger.
  • Use circular motions or sustained pressure for about 1-2 minutes.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the area is sensitive.
  • If discomfort persists, consult a healthcare professional.

Conditions Treated

  • Facial tension and pain.
  • Stress and anxiety.
  • Difficulty concentrating.

Related Points

  • GV-26 (Renzhong) – Located just below the nose, GV-26 is often used in conjunction with GV 27 for facial issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I perform acupressure on Duiduan (GV 27) on myself?

Yes, Duiduan can be accessed and stimulated with self-acupressure. Use the pad of your thumb or forefinger, applying gentle and steady pressure at the junction of the philtrum and upper lip. Be mindful of your comfort level and adjust the pressure accordingly.

How often should I stimulate GV-27 for optimal benefits?

The frequency of acupressure on GV 27 can vary based on individual needs. For general well-being, aim for 1-2 minutes of acupressure 2-3 times a day. Adjust the frequency based on your response and comfort level.

Are there any specific breathing techniques recommended during GV-27 acupressure?

Incorporating deep, slow breaths can enhance the relaxation response. Inhale deeply through the nose as you prepare to apply pressure, and exhale slowly through the mouth while gently pressing on the point. This mindful breathing can complement the calming effects of GV 27 acupressure.

Pressure points – Governing vessel Meridian (GV)