Pressure Point: GV 20 – Baihui

  • Name (Chinese): Baihui – (百會)
  • Name (English): One Hundred Meetings
  • Introduction: Baihui, also known as GV 20, is a crucial acupuncture/acupressure point in traditional Chinese medicine. Located at the vertex of the head, it holds significance for its role in harmonizing energy and promoting overall well-being.


This pressure point is located at the vertex, at the junction of a line connecting the apex of the ears and the midline. Specifically, it is in the depression 7 cun above the posterior hairline and 5 cun behind the anterior hairline.

GV 20 Baihui

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate Baihui GV-20, use the spreading hands technique.
  • Place hands on both sides of the head, with little fingers touching the apex of the ears.
  • Join the thumbs on the midline to find GV 20 in a shallow depression on the vertex.
  • Alternatively, use an elastic tape between the apices of the ears to locate GV 20 at the crossing points with the head midline.


  • Promotes mental clarity and concentration
  • Alleviates headaches and dizziness
  • Balances energy flow in the body


  • Apply gentle and circular pressure using fingertips or thumbs.
  • Use the spreading hands technique for a more comprehensive approach.
  • Maintain a relaxed and comfortable posture during stimulation.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the person is sensitive in the head area.
  • Consult a healthcare professional if there are existing medical conditions.

Conditions Treated

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Stress and anxiety

Related Points

  • GB-20 (Fengchi): Located below the occipital bone, it complements Baihui for headache relief.
  • GV-24 (Shenting): Adjacent to Baihui, it’s associated with mental clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I stimulate Baihui GV-20 every day?

Yes, gentle stimulation of Baihui is generally safe for daily practice. However, consult with a qualified practitioner for personalized advice.

Are there any age restrictions for using Baihui GV 20?

Baihui can be used across various age groups, but it’s advisable to use a lighter touch for infants and the elderly.

Can Baihui GV 20 help with emotional well-being?

Yes, Baihui is believed to influence emotional balance and can be incorporated into routines for stress reduction and relaxation.

Pressure points – Governing vessel Meridian (GV)