Pressure Point: GV 15 – Yamen

  • Name (Chinese): Yamen – (瘂門)
  • Name (English): Mutism Gate
  • Introduction: Yamen (Mutism Gate), also known as GV 15, is an acupressure point associated with addressing conditions related to mutism and is a vital point along the Governing Vessel meridian.


Yamen (GV-15) is situated on the back of the neck, precisely 0.5 cun directly above the midpoint of the posterior hairline, below the spinous process of the 1st cervical vertebra (C1).

GV 15 Yamen

Pressure Point Identification

  • Begin by identifying the external occipital protuberance, a hump-shaped projection on the posterior surface of the occipital bone, positioned on the midline and slightly superior to the craniocervical junction.
  • Locate Fengfu (GV-16) in a depression on the posterior midline directly inferior to the protuberance.
  • Glide 0.5 cun in an inferior direction to find Yamen (GV-15), situated superior to the 1st palpable spinous process (C1). GV 15 is also approximately 0.5 cun superior to the posterior hairline.


  • Alleviates mutism and speech-related issues.
  • Supports relaxation and reduces tension in the neck and upper back.
  • Aids in addressing conditions associated with the Governing Vessel meridian.


Apply steady and gentle pressure using the fingertips or thumbs. Use circular or kneading motions while focusing on the identified location. Adjust pressure based on individual comfort.


Avoid excessive force, and discontinue if there is discomfort or pain. Consult a healthcare professional for severe or persistent conditions.

Conditions Treated

  • Mutism
  • Speech difficulties
  • Neck and upper back tensio

Related Points

  • Fengfu (GV-16)
  • Dazhui (GV-14)
  • Shenting (GV-24)

These points, along the Governing Vessel meridian, are closely related and may be stimulated together for comprehensive therapeutic effects on speech-related issues and overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I stimulate Yamen (GV-15) for conditions other than mutism?

Yes, while it is specifically associated with mutism, GV-15’s influence on the Governing Vessel meridian may also address related issues like tension and discomfort in the neck and upper back.

How often should I stimulate GV 15 pressure point?

It varies. Starting with a few minutes daily and adjusting based on individual response is recommended. Consult a qualified practitioner for personalized guidance.

Can I stimulate GV-15 if I have a neck injury?

Exercise caution. If you have a neck injury, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to GV 15.

Pressure points – Governing vessel Meridian (GV)