Pressure Point: GV 12 – Shenzhu

  • Name (Chinese): Shenzhu – (身柱)
  • Name (English): Body Pillar
  • Introduction: Shenzhu, also known as GV-12, is a pressure point located on the back midline. It holds significance in acupressure and traditional Chinese medicine for its therapeutic benefits.


This acupressure point is situated on the back midline, in the depression below the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra (T3).

GV 12 Shenzhu

Pressure Point Identification

  • Start by finding C6, the first palpable cervical vertebral spinous process, by running your finger down the neck along the midline. It becomes impalpable when the patient extends their neck.
  • C7 is below C6 and remains palpable even when the neck is extended.
  • Count down 3 spinous processes from C7 to locate T3. Shenzhu (GV-12) is found in the depression below T3.


  • Alleviates upper back and neck tension
  • Relieves respiratory issues
  • Supports emotional well-being


Apply firm, circular pressure using your fingertips. Experiment with different levels of pressure and combine with deep breathing for enhanced effects.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially for individuals with spinal injuries or conditions.
  • If the person experiences discomfort or pain, adjust the pressure or discontinue the technique.

Conditions Treated

  • Upper back pain
  • Respiratory conditions (consult a healthcare professional)
  • Emotional stress and tension

Related Points

GV-14 Dazhui (Great Vertebra) Explanation: Dazhui, located at the midline of the upper back, complements Shenzhu for relieving upper back tension and promoting overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I apply pressure to Shenzhu (GV 12) if I have a history of spinal issues?

It is crucial to prioritize your safety. If you have a history of spinal issues, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to Shenzhu (GV-12).

How often should I stimulate Shenzhu GV 12 for optimal benefits?

The frequency of stimulating Shenzhu GV 12 depends on individual comfort levels and response. As a general guideline, you may start with a few minutes of stimulation per session and observe how your body responds. Consistency is key, and if you have any concerns or experience discomfort, consult with a qualified practitioner.

Can Shenzhu help with emotional stress?

Shenzhu GV 12 is thought to have benefits for emotional well-being by helping release tension and promoting relaxation. While it may contribute to stress relief, individual responses vary. It’s important to complement acupressure with other stress management techniques. If you have persistent emotional concerns, consider seeking guidance from a healthcare professional or mental health practitioner.

Pressure points – Governing vessel Meridian (GV)