Pressure Point: GB 36 – Waiqiu

  • Name (Chinese): Waiqiu – (外丘)
  • Name (English): Outer Hill
  • Introduction: Waiqiu GB-36, also known as Outer Hill, is a significant pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine. It is located on the Gallbladder meridian and is associated with various therapeutic benefits.


Waiqiu GB 36 is situated 7 cun above the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula.

GB 36 Waiqiu

Pressure Point Identification

  • First, find Yanglingquan GB-34 in the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.
  • Next, locate the highest prominence of the lateral malleolus.
  • Waiqiu GB-36 is at the midpoint between these two reference points, on the anterior border of the fibula. Yangjiao GB-35 is at the same level but on the posterior border of the fibula.


  • Alleviates knee pain
  • Regulates gallbladder function
  • Relieves hip pain and stiffness
  • Enhances overall lower limb mobility


The pressure point can be stimulated using firm, circular motions or moderate pressure. Techniques such as acupressure, massage, or acupuncture may be employed.


Exercise caution to avoid excessive pressure, especially in individuals with bone or joint conditions. If pregnant or with pre-existing health concerns, consult a healthcare professional before applying pressure to this point.

Conditions Treated

  • Knee pain and discomfort
  • Hip pain or stiffness
  • Gallbladder imbalances
  • Lower limb mobility issues

Related Points

  • Yanglingquan GB-34: Located in the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula, often used in conjunction with Waiqiu GB-36 for knee issues.
  • Yangjiao GB-35: Located at the same level as Waiqiu GB-36 but on the posterior border of the fibula, used for addressing similar conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Waiqiu GB 36 be stimulated for general relaxation, or is it specifically for pain relief?

While Waiqiu GB 36 is often targeted for pain relief, its stimulation can also contribute to overall relaxation. The point is associated with regulating gallbladder function, which plays a role in stress management. Gentle stimulation may have a calming effect, promoting a sense of relaxation.

Are there specific exercises or stretches that complement the stimulation of Waiqiu GB-36?

Yes, complementary exercises and stretches can enhance the effectiveness of Waiqiu GB 36 stimulation. Incorporating knee and hip stretches, as well as exercises that promote lower limb flexibility, can synergize with the benefits of stimulating Waiqiu GB-36.

Can pressure on this point help with conditions beyond the lower limbs, such as digestive issues or headaches?

While Waiqiu GB 36 is primarily associated with lower limb issues, the Gallbladder meridian, in general, is believed to influence various areas, including the head and digestive system. However, for specific conditions like headaches or digestive issues, it’s advisable to target points more directly related to those concerns, and consultation with a healthcare provider or acupressure practitioner is recommended for personalized guidance.

Pressure points – Gallbladder Meridian (GB)