Pressure Point: GB 2 – Tinghui

  • Name (Chinese): Tinghui – (聽會)
  • Name (English): Meeting of Hearing
  • Introduction: Tinghui (GB 2) is a significant pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, situated anterior to the intertragic notch. Its Chinese name, Tinghui, translates to “Meeting of Hearing,” highlighting its association with auditory functions.


This pressure point is located anterior to the intertragic notch, directly below Tinggong SI-19, at the posterior border of the condyloid process of the mandible.

GB 2 Tinghui

Pressure Point Identification

  • Needle the point with the mouth open, allowing the mandible condyloid process to slide anteriorly and reveal the depression where GB-2 is located.
  • Find the vertical sulcus anterior to the ear at the ear/cheek junction and locate GB-2 on the sulcus, aligning with the level of the intertragic notch.


  • Alleviates ear disorders
  • Relieves jaw pain
  • Addresses tinnitus
  • Supports overall auditory health


  • Use acupuncture or acupressure techniques to stimulate GB-2.
  • Needling is often performed with the mouth open to enhance accessibility.


  • Exercise caution to avoid excessive pressure or needling in sensitive individuals.
  • Consult with a qualified practitioner for proper technique.

Conditions Treated

  • Earaches
  • Jaw disorders
  • Tinnitus
  • Hearing difficulties

Related Points

  • Tinggong (SI-19): Located above GB 2, Tinggong is closely related and often addressed in conjunction with GB 2 for ear-related concerns.
  • SJ-17 (Yifeng): Adjacent to GB-2, it is another point beneficial for ear issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can Tinghui (GB-2) be stimulated at home for ear issues?

To stimulate Tinghui at home, you can use acupressure techniques. Locate the point by finding the depression in front of the ear, aligning with the intertragic notch. Apply gentle pressure using your thumb or index finger and use circular motions for about 1-2 minutes. However, for specific or chronic concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified practitioner for personalized guidance.

What sensations should one expect while stimulating GB 2?

Sensations during GB-2 stimulation may vary, but individuals commonly report a dull ache, tingling, or warmth. These sensations are normal and indicate the activation of energy flow in the meridian. If there is discomfort beyond a tolerable level, it’s recommended to adjust the pressure or seek professional advice

Can GB-2 be used for conditions other than ear-related issues?

While Tinghui (GB 2) is primarily associated with ear disorders, it is also known to benefit jaw pain and certain types of headaches. However, for comprehensive treatment and guidance on specific health conditions, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified acupuncturist or healthcare professional

Pressure points – Gallbladder  Meridian (GB)