Pressure Point: GB 13 – Benshen

  • Name (Chinese): Benshen – (本神)
  • Name (English): Root of the Spirit
  • Introduction: Benshen GB 13 is a significant acupressure point located on the forehead. It is associated with the spirit and is believed to have various benefits when stimulated.


This pressure point is situated 0.5 cun within the hairline of the forehead, precisely at the junction of the medial two-thirds and lateral third of the distance from Shenting DU-24 to Touwei ST-8.

GB 13 Benshen

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate Benshen GB 13, first find Shenting DU-24 on the midline, 0.5 cun below the anterior hairline. Then, locate Benshen GB-13 on the same level, but 3 cun lateral to the midline.
  • Alternatively, draw an imaginary line between Shenting DU-24 and Touwei ST-8, divide it into three, and find Benshen GB-13 two-thirds of the distance from DU-24.


  • Calming the mind
  • Alleviating stress and anxiety
  • Improving mental clarity


Apply firm but gentle pressure using the tip of your finger or a rounded tool. Use a circular motion or steady pressure for about 1-2 minutes.


Exercise caution if the person has a sensitive scalp or any skin conditions on the forehead. Apply gentle pressure and adjust according to the individual’s comfort level.

Conditions Treated

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Insomnia
  • Emotional imbalances

Related Points

  • Shenting DU-24: located on the midline at the anterior hairline.
  • Touwei ST-8: located on the same line as Shenting DU-24 but further down.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I stimulate Benshen GB 13 multiple times a day?

It’s advisable to practice moderation. Stimulating Benshen GB 13 once or twice a day is generally sufficient. Overstimulation may lead to sensitivity, so it’s essential to listen to your body’s response and adjust accordingly.

Are there any specific breathing techniques that enhance the benefits of stimulating Benshen GB 13?

Yes, incorporating mindful breathing can enhance the benefits. Try deep, slow breaths—inhale deeply, hold for a moment, and exhale slowly while applying pressure to Benshen GB-13. This synchronized practice can deepen relaxation and amplify the calming effects.

Can Benshen GB-13 be used during meditation practices?

Absolutely! Integrating acupressure on Benshen GB 13 into meditation can enhance your experience. Gentle stimulation during meditation may contribute to a more relaxed state and improved concentration. Experiment with different pressures to find what feels most comfortable for you during your meditation sessions.

Pressure points – Gallbladder Meridian (GB)