Pressure Point: GB 12 – Wangu

  • Name (Chinese): Wangu – (完骨)
  • Name (English): Mastoid Process
  • Introduction: The Wangu (GB 12) pressure point, also known as the Mastoid Process, is a crucial point located on the Gallbladder meridian. It holds significance in traditional Chinese medicine for its therapeutic benefits.


This pressure point is situated in the depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process.

GB 12 Wangu

Pressure Point Identification

  • Palpate the junction of the cranium and the neck to identify the mastoid process, a cone-shaped bony structure.
  • Locate Wangu GB-12 in the inferior aspect of the mastoid process on the lower border, posterior to the tip of the process.
  • Both Tianchong GB-9 and Wangu GB-12 serve as reference points for locating Fubai GB-10 and Touqiaoyin GB-11.


  • Relieves neck tension
  • Alleviates headaches
  • Promotes relaxation


  • Apply gentle, circular pressure with the fingertips on Wangu GB-12.
  • Gradually increase pressure based on comfort, avoiding excessive force.
  • Repeat the process for a few minutes, focusing on relaxation.


  • Avoid applying excessive pressure.
  • If there is pain or discomfort, discontinue the pressure.

Conditions Treated

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Stress and tension

Related Points

  • Tianchong GB-9: Located near Wangu, it is another reference point for related treatments.
  • Fubai GB-10 and Touqiaoyin GB-11: These points are located with the guidance of Wangu and Tianchong.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I apply pressure directly on the mastoid process?

It’s essential to avoid direct pressure on the mastoid process itself, as it can be uncomfortable and may not yield the intended therapeutic effects. Instead, focus on applying pressure in the depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process for optimal results.

How often should I stimulate Wangu GB 12 for optimal benefits?

The frequency of stimulation can vary depending on individual preferences and conditions. It’s generally recommended to apply gentle pressure for a few minutes a couple of times a day. However, listen to your body—if you experience discomfort, reduce the frequency or consult with a healthcare professional.

Are there any specific conditions where stimulation of Wangu GB 12 is not recommended?

Individuals with severe neck injuries, fractures, or specific medical conditions should consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to Wangu GB 12. Always prioritize safety and seek professional advice if you have concerns about the suitability of acupressure for your particular situation.

Pressure points – Gallbladder Meridian (GB)