Pressure Point: GB 11 – Touqiaoyin

  • Name (Chinese): Touqiaoyin – (頭竅陰)
  • Name (English): Yin Portals of the Head
  • Introduction: GB 11, known as Touqiaoyin, is a significant acupressure point associated with the Yin Portals of the Head. It plays a role in traditional Chinese medicine for addressing various conditions related to the head and neck.


This pressure point is located posterior and superior to the mastoid process, precisely on the line connecting Tianchong GB-9, Fubai GB-10, and Wangu GB-12.

GB 11 Touqiaoyin

Pressure Point Identification

  • First, locate Tianchong GB-9 and Wangu GB-12, which serve as reference points for finding Fubai GB-10 and Touqiaoyin GB-11.
  • GB-9 is positioned 1.5 cun above the ear apex (Shuaigu GB-8) and 0.5 cun in a posterior direction.
  • GB-12 is found in a depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process.
  • GB-11 is at the junction of the middle and lower third of the line connecting GB-9 and GB-12, where a small ‘dip’ on the bone is often palpable.


  • Alleviates headaches and migraines
  • Relieves neck and shoulder tension
  • Aids in the treatment of ear-related issues


Apply steady and gentle pressure using your fingertips or thumbs. Use circular or pulsating motions. Experiment with different levels of pressure to find what is comfortable for you.


Exercise caution and use moderate pressure, especially if you’re new to acupressure. Avoid applying excessive force to prevent discomfort or injury.

Conditions Treated

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Earaches and related issues

Related Points

  • Tianchong GB-9: Reference point 1.5 cun above the ear apex.
  • Wangu GB-12: Reference point in a depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process.
  • Fubai GB-10: Reference point on the line connecting Tianchong GB-9 and Wangu GB-12.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I stimulate GB 11 if I have a headache?

Absolutely. GB-11 is known to be effective in relieving headaches, particularly those associated with tension and stress. Apply gentle pressure to GB-11 using circular motions for about 1-2 minutes. Combine with slow, deep breaths for enhanced relaxation.

How often can I work on GB 11 for neck pain?

You can stimulate GB 11 for neck pain daily, but it’s advisable to start with shorter sessions, around 5-10 minutes, and gradually increase the duration based on your comfort. Consistency is key, so regular sessions may provide better results over time.

Are there any specific breathing techniques to enhance the effects of GB-11 stimulation?

Yes, deep and mindful breathing can enhance the benefits of working on GB-11. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Coordinate your breath with the pressure application, focusing on releasing tension. This mindful breathing can amplify the relaxation response and overall effectiveness.

Pressure points – Gallbladder Meridian (GB)