Gallbladder meridian (GB)


  • Pathway: The Gallbladder Meridian follows a dynamic course, influencing various parts of the body.
  • Start Point: GB initiates its journey from the outer corner of the eye.
  • End Point: It concludes at the fourth toe.

Organs Connected:

  • Primary Organ: The gallbladder itself is the primary organ associated with the Gallbladder Meridian.
  • Secondary Organs: Adjunctive connections to the liver and other digestive organs contribute to the meridian’s holistic impact.

Pressure points – Gallbladder Meridian (GB)

GB 1

GB 2

GB 3

GB 4

GB 5

GB 6

GB 7

GB 8

GB 9

GB 10

GB 11

GB 12

GB 13

GB 14

GB 15

GB 16

GB 17

GB 18

GB 19

GB 20

GB 21

GB 22

GB 23

GB 24

GB 25

GB 26

GB 27

GB 28

GB 29

GB 30

GB 31

GB 32

GB 33

GB 34

GB 35

GB 36

GB 37

GB 38

GB 39

GB 40

GB 41

GB 42

GB 43

GB 44

Key Functions:

The Gallbladder Meridian is integral to:

  • Facilitating digestion
  • Supporting liver function
  • Regulating the flow of Qi (energy)
  • Influencing decision-making processes


Practitioners employ various acupressure and massage techniques to stimulate the Gallbladder Meridian. Gentle, targeted pressure on specific points aids in promoting balance and addressing related concerns.

Circadian Rhythms

  • Peak Activity Time: GB is most active during the late-night and early-morning hours.
  • Associated Element: Wood, as per the traditional Chinese elements.

Overlaps with Other Meridians:

GB exhibits intersections with the Liver Meridian, emphasizing the interconnectedness of these vital energy pathways.

Theory of the Elements

  • Element: Wood
  • Corresponding Season: Spring
  • Attributes: The Gallbladder Meridian embodies the qualities of the Wood element, signifying growth, flexibility, and renewal.


Exercise caution when applying pressure to GB points during pregnancy or if there’s a history of gallbladder-related conditions. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised.

Additional Information

  • Daily practices such as yoga or tai chi can complement the health of the Gallbladder Meridian.
  • Hydration and a balanced diet contribute positively to its functioning.

How To Locate Gallbladder Meridian’s Pressure Points At Home?

Exploring and activating this Meridian’s pressure points at home can significantly contribute to your well-being. Follow this step-by-step guide to effectively locate and stimulate these points:

  • Locating Points: Begin by familiarizing yourself with the pathway of the Gallbladder Meridian. Trace the meridian from the outer corner of the eye, moving along the side of the head, down the body, and concluding at the fourth toe. Using your fingertips, gently follow this pathway, identifying subtle points along the meridian.
  • Pressure Points: Focus on key points along the Gallbladder Meridian, including GB20 (Fengchi), GB34 (Yanglingquan), and GB44 (Shugan). Locate these points and apply gentle pressure using your thumb or forefinger. Gradually increase the pressure until you experience a mild sensation.
  • Stimulation Techniques: Employ circular or up-and-down motions on the identified points using your thumb or forefinger. Maintain a consistent, rhythmic pressure for 1-2 minutes on each point. Focus on deep and relaxed breathing throughout the process to amplify the calming effects.

It’s crucial to aim for a soothing and harmonizing effect when stimulating these points. If any discomfort or pain is felt, adjust the pressure accordingly. Individuals with pre-existing health conditions should consult a healthcare professional before incorporating acupressure on the Gallbladder Meridian into their self-care routine.

By integrating these techniques into your routine, you can enhance your overall well-being and support the harmonious flow of energy through this meridian.

Is the Gallbladder Meridian overlapping with other meridians?

Yes, the Gallbladder Meridian (GB) does overlap with other meridians. Specifically, it exhibits intersections with the Liver Meridian. These intersections highlight the interconnectedness of these two vital energy pathways in traditional Chinese medicine.

Understanding the overlap with the Liver Meridian is essential for comprehending the holistic flow of energy in the body. Practitioners often consider the relationship between these meridians when addressing imbalances or promoting overall well-being. The harmonious interaction between the Gallbladder and Liver Meridians is integral to maintaining the body’s equilibrium according to traditional Chinese medicine principles.

Can the Gallbladder Meridian help with stress?

Yes, stimulating the Gallbladder Meridian (GB) through acupressure or other techniques may contribute to stress relief and overall well-being.

According to traditional Chinese medicine principles, the GB meridian plays a role in regulating the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body, and imbalances in this flow can be associated with stress and emotional tension.

Here’s how the Gallbladder Meridian may help with stress:

  1. Promoting Qi Flow: By applying pressure to specific points along the Gallbladder Meridian, you can stimulate the flow of Qi, helping to release blocked energy and promote a sense of balance.
  2. Calming Effects: Some points on the Gallbladder Meridian are associated with calming effects. Applying gentle pressure to these points may help induce relaxation and reduce stress.
  3. Balancing Energy: Traditional Chinese medicine views stress as an imbalance of energy. Working on the Gallbladder Meridian is believed to help restore this balance, providing relief from stress-related symptoms.

It’s important to note that while acupressure on the Gallbladder Meridian can be a complementary approach to stress management, it should not replace professional medical advice or treatment.

Individuals with chronic or severe stress should consult with a healthcare professional to address their specific needs. Additionally, individual responses to acupressure can vary, so it’s recommended to explore and observe how your body responds to these techniques.

Can the Gallbladder Meridian influence sleep patterns?

Yes, according to traditional Chinese medicine principles, the Gallbladder Meridian (GB) can influence sleep patterns. The Gallbladder Meridian is associated with the Wood element and plays a role in regulating the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. Imbalances in the Gallbladder Meridian may impact various aspects of well-being, including sleep.

Here’s how may influence sleep patterns:

  1. Circadian Rhythms: The Gallbladder Meridian has specific peak activity times, especially during the late-night and early-morning hours. This aligns with the body’s natural circadian rhythms, suggesting that the meridian may play a role in promoting restful sleep during these periods.
  2. Stress and Tension Relief: The Gallbladder Meridian is associated with the release of tension and stress. If stress or tension is a factor affecting sleep, stimulating specific points along the meridian may help alleviate these issues, promoting a more relaxed state conducive to sleep.
  3. Harmonizing Energy Flow: Traditional Chinese medicine views sleep disturbances as disruptions in the harmonious flow of energy. Balancing the Gallbladder Meridian is thought to contribute to overall energy harmony, potentially benefiting sleep quality.

To support healthy sleep patterns through the Gallbladder Meridian, individuals may explore acupressure or other holistic practices.

However, it’s essential to note that individual responses to these techniques can vary, and these approaches should be considered as part of a comprehensive sleep management strategy. If sleep issues persist or are severe, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable.