Conception Vessel Meridian (CV)

The Conception Vessel Channel, it’s also known as Ren Mai or Directing Vessel. Often abbreviated as CV, is a vital energy pathway in traditional Chinese medicine. It plays a crucial role in the circulation of Qi, the body’s life force. This meridian is associated with various physiological and energetic functions, making it significant in acupressure and holistic wellness practices.


  • Pathway: The CV meridian runs along the midline of the anterior body, from the lower abdomen to the upper chest.
  • Start Point: The meridian begins at the perineum.
  • End Point: It ends at the lower lip.

Organs Connected:

  • Primary Organ: Reproductive and gynecological organs.
  • Secondary Organs: Stomach, kidney, and liver.

Pressure points – Conception vessel (CV)

CV 1

CV 2

CV 3

CV 4

CV 5

CV 6

CV 7

CV 8

CV 9

CV 10

CV 11

CV 12

CV 13

CV 14

CV 15

CV 16

CV 17

CV 18

CV 19

CV 20

CV 21

CV 22

CV 23

CV 24

Key Functions:

The CV meridian is integral for:

  • Regulating menstrual cycles.
  • Enhancing reproductive health.
  • Nourishing the uterus and pelvic organs.
  • Supporting digestive processes.


Various techniques can be employed to stimulate the CV meridian, including gentle acupressure, focused breathing exercises, and meditation.

Circadian Rhythms

  • Peak Activity Time: The CV meridian is most active during the early morning hours, from 3 am to 7 am.
  • Associated Element: Water element.

Overlaps with Other Meridians:

The CV meridian has significant interactions with the Kidney Meridian and Liver meridian, influencing overall vitality and reproductive health.

Theory of the Elements

  • Element: Water.
  • Corresponding Season: Winter.
  • Attributes: The Water element embodies qualities of introspection, adaptability, and rejuvenation.


Exercise caution when applying pressure to the CV meridian during pregnancy. Consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended, especially in such situations.

Additional Information

  • Practitioners often recommend focusing on the CV meridian for promoting emotional balance and overall well-being.
  • Regular stimulation of CV pressure points may contribute to enhanced fertility and hormonal balance.

How To Locate Governing Vessel’s Pressure Points At Home?

Unlock the therapeutic benefits of the Conception Vessel (CV) meridian by discovering and activating its pressure points within the confines of your home. This easy-to-follow guide ensures a tranquil and rejuvenating self-care experience.

  • Locating Points: Embark on your journey by familiarizing yourself with the trajectory of the Conception Vessel Meridian. Start at the base of the torso, precisely at the perineum, and trace the meridian upwards along the midline of the body until you reach the lower lip. Using your fingertips, gently explore this pathway, identifying subtle points that signify the Conception Vessel.
  • Pressure Points: Zoom in on key points along the Conception Vessel Meridian, such as CV1 (Huiyin), CV4 (Guanyuan), and CV17 (Shanzhong). Locate these points and apply gentle pressure using your thumb or forefinger. Gradually increase the pressure until you feel a mild, comfortable sensation.
  • Stimulation Techniques: Engage in circular or up-and-down motions on the identified points using your thumb or forefinger. Maintain a consistent, rhythmic pressure for 1-2 minutes on each point. Concentrate on deep and relaxed breathing throughout the process to enhance the calming effects of the self-acupressure session.

Individuals with pre-existing health conditions should seek advice from a healthcare professional before incorporating acupressure on the Conception Vessel Meridian into their self-care routine.

By seamlessly integrating these straightforward and effective techniques into your daily routine, you can elevate your overall well-being and promote the harmonious flow of energy through the Conception Vessel Meridian. Revel in the advantages of self-care within the cozy confines of your home.

Is the Governing Vessel overlapping with other meridians?

The Conception Vessel (CV) meridian does not have a direct overlap with other meridians in the traditional Chinese medicine system. However, it is closely related to the Governor Vessel (GV) meridian, as these two meridians are considered a pair of polar opposites, working together in the regulation of energy flow in the body.

While they don’t overlap physically, the Conception Vessel and Governor Vessel meridians are often worked on together to balance the flow of Qi (energy) in the body. They are seen as a yin-yang pair, with the CV meridian being the yin (front) and the GV meridian being the yang (back). Balancing the energy in both meridians is thought to promote overall harmony and well-being.

So, while there isn’t a direct overlap in terms of physical pathway, practitioners often consider these two meridians together for a more comprehensive approach to holistic health.

Can the Gallbladder Meridian help with stress?

Yes, the Conception Vessel (CV) meridian is believed to play a role in helping alleviate stress and promoting overall well-being in traditional Chinese medicine. The CV meridian is associated with the nourishment of the body’s Yin energy, and it is often targeted for its calming and grounding effects.

Stress, in traditional Chinese medicine, is often seen as a disturbance in the flow of Qi (energy) and an imbalance of Yin and Yang. By working on the CV meridian through acupressure or other traditional techniques, individuals aim to restore balance and harmony to the body’s energy system, potentially reducing stress and its associated symptoms.

Here are a few points on the Conception Vessel Meridian that are commonly targeted to help with stress:

  1. CV17 (Shanzhong): Located at the center of the chest, this point is associated with calming the mind and promoting emotional well-being.
  2. CV6 (Qihai): Positioned on the lower abdomen, CV6 is considered a vital point for balancing energy and calming the mind.
  3. CV4 (Guanyuan): Found just below the navel, CV4 is associated with nourishing Yin energy and promoting overall relaxation.
  4. CV1 (Huiyin): Located at the perineum, this point is believed to be beneficial for grounding and calming the mind.

While acupressure on the CV meridian may offer relaxation and stress relief for some individuals, it’s important to note that individual responses can vary. If you have specific health concerns or chronic stress, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or an experienced traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for personalized guidance and advice.

Can the Gallbladder Meridian influence sleep patterns?

Yes, the Conception Vessel (CV) meridian is believed to play a role in influencing sleep patterns in traditional Chinese medicine. The CV meridian is associated with the nourishment of Yin energy, and its balanced flow is thought to contribute to overall relaxation and harmonious sleep.

Several acupressure points along the Conception Vessel Meridian are often targeted to help promote better sleep and address issues like insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns. Here are a few key points on the CV meridian that may be associated with influencing sleep:

  1. CV6 (Qihai): Positioned on the lower abdomen, CV6 is considered a crucial point for balancing energy, calming the mind, and promoting restful sleep.
  2. CV4 (Guanyuan): Found just below the navel, CV4 is associated with nourishing Yin energy, which is essential for calming the mind and supporting a good night’s sleep.
  3. CV17 (Shanzhong): Located at the center of the chest, this point is believed to help regulate Qi and is associated with emotional well-being, potentially contributing to improved sleep.
  4. CV12 (Zhongwan): Positioned on the upper abdomen, CV12 is associated with the stomach and spleen. Balancing the energy in these organs may positively impact digestion, potentially influencing sleep.

Acupressure targeting these points on the Conception Vessel Meridian may be incorporated into a holistic approach to support healthy sleep patterns. It’s important to note that individual responses can vary, and if you have persistent sleep issues, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or an experienced traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for personalized guidance and treatment.